
Todd Pushes Ryan to Bash Ingraham, Levin; Hounds Him on Working w/WH

December 20th, 2015 7:00 PM
Appearing exclusively on Sunday’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd repeatedly pressed Speaker Paul Ryan to denounce conservative radio talk show hosts Laura Ingraham and Mark Levin over their criticism of the recently-passed omnibus bill and Todd demanded to know how he’ll work with President Obama to “lay the groundwork” to end political polarization. Todd asked, of the talk show hosts, whether their…

Hume Unloads on Obama over Cable News/Terrorism Comment in NYT

December 20th, 2015 3:49 PM
Commenting on how The New York Times removed a phrase from a Friday article explaining how President Obama told a group of columnists that he hadn’t consumed enough cable news to fully understand the anxieties of Americans over terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Fox News Sunday panelist Brit Hume lambasted the President for his “snark” and frame of mind that makes him “impatient with the…

Nets Censor NYT Deleting Obama Quote on Not Understanding Terror Fears

December 18th, 2015 9:29 PM
The major broadcast networks on Friday morning and evening showed no interest in reporting to viewers that The New York Times had scrubbed from an article on its website that contained a quote from President Obama telling columnists that he did not watch enough news coverage of the Paris and San Bernardino terror attacks to truly grasp the anxiety of the American people. 

Krauthammer: Obama's Wrong When He Claims We're Winning Against ISIS

December 15th, 2015 6:06 PM
While a panelist on Monday night's edition of the Special Report program, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer criticized President Barack Obama for “trying to convince us that we are actually prevailing, winning, pushing in on ISIS (the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).” The regular contributor to the Fox News Channel program said that the Democratic occupant of the White House is wrong…

Nets Tout Obama Pentagon Visit; Forced to 'Reassure an Anxious Nation'

December 14th, 2015 9:20 PM
The “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC all prominently touted on Monday night President Barack Obama’s visit to the Pentagon to discuss the fight against ISIS, but skimped on reporting any criticism of the administration’s strategy but instead lamenting that he’s had to try once “again to reassure an anxious nation” despite polls showing Americans are concerned about the growing threat of terrorism…

Bouie: Trump Backers Symbolize ‘Racial Resentment' Toward Obama

December 13th, 2015 1:19 PM
Discussing a focus group of Trump supporters convened by Frank Luntz that aired on Sunday’s Face the Nation, CBS News political analyst Jamelle Bouie promptly trashed them as representing the belief among social scientists (i.e. fellow liberals) that there’s been “a distinct rise in racial resentment and anti-black attitudes” in America resulting as a fact of the Obama presidency.

CBS Hypes Trump Poll Numbers, Skips Obama’s Poor Marks on ISIS, Terror

December 11th, 2015 1:32 AM
The December edition of the CBS News/New York Times poll came out on Thursday and, naturally, the results were covered on the CBS Evening News but, as per the liberal media’s usual pattern, it left out a slew of poll results in which voters gave President Obama poor marks on terrorism, the fight against ISIS, and how the country remains on the wrong track. Instead, CBS chose to devote all of its…

CBS Pushes Report on Income Inequality; No Mention of Obama's Policies

December 9th, 2015 11:00 PM
In the middle segment of Wednesday’s CBS Evening News, the newscast promoted a new Pew Research Study that illustrated the decline of the middle class in the years since the Great Recession to the point that, as anchor Scott Pelley highlighted, “[t]he middle class is no longer the majority in America.” Of course, as the liberal media naturally does, they neglected to include any placement of…

Zakaria Oozes: ‘Fireman’ Obama Used Speech ‘to Douse’ Trump's 'Flames'

December 8th, 2015 2:41 AM
In the latest analogy put forth by a member of the liberal media to praise President Obama, CNN’s Fareed Zakaria opined on Monday’s CNN Tonight that the President used his speech to the nation on Sunday to come across as the “cool” “fireman” who will “douse” the “flames” started by Donald Trump. Additionally, Zakaria hailed the speech as “vintage Obama” as he conducted “an adult conversation”…

CNN Political Panelists Praise Obama While Foreign Experts Pan Speech

December 7th, 2015 2:38 AM
Following President Obama’s Sunday night address, the always large post-event panel on CNN had plenty to say, but it was quite the disconnect as many of their political commentators hailed the “straightforward” speech by the President while two of their foreign policy analysts panned the President’s “self-congratulation” and having “his the clouds if he thinks this current strategy is…

ABC, PBS Extol ‘Stern & Direct’ Obama Speech; ‘Struck’ by Pledge on IS

December 6th, 2015 9:35 PM
While NBC’s Lester Holt was wondering before President Obama’s speech Sunday night if it would “be a defining moment for this presidency,” his counterparts on ABC and PBS picked up where he left off afterward by enthusiastically praising how “struck” they were by “a stern and direct” Obama “laying out" what Obama called "a strong and smart strategy” to deal with terrorism.

NBC’s Lester Holt: Will Obama’s Speech ‘Be a Defining Moment?'

December 6th, 2015 8:02 PM
Seconds before President Obama addressed the nation from the Oval Office on Sunday night, NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt gave viewers a quick preview with Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd and wondered to Todd if the speech will mark “a defining moment for this presidency.”

Tanden Suggests Obama Use Speech to Denounce GOP on Muslims

December 6th, 2015 4:48 PM
Center for American Progress (CAP) President Neera Tanden joined CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday morning as part of the panel and encouraged President Obama to use part of his Oval Office speech later in the day to denounce Republicans for their “continual target Muslims” which she argued the GOP’s so-called Islamophobia “is exactly what ISIS wants.”

Domenech, Will Slam NYT Gun Control Editorial; 'Real Gap' with Reality

December 6th, 2015 2:39 PM
Three of the four Sunday network morning news shows commented on Saturday’s New York Times front-page editorial calling for massive gun control, but it was The Federalist’s Ben Domenech and The Washington Post’s George Will that provided the most succinct takedowns of the liberal paper and the disconnect it exhibited in opinion between the liberal media and President Obama versus the American…