
Shameless MSNBC Guest: ‘I’m Politicizing the Hell Out of’ OR Shooting

October 2nd, 2015 2:09 AM
The always shameless uber-lefty blogger Charles Pierce of Esquire was a guest on the Thursday edition of MSNBC’s The Last Word and in the course of discussing the deadly community college shooting in Oregon earlier in the day, admitted that he’s “politicizing the hell out of this” shooting and “I don’t care.” The former Boston Globe writer declared that the Republican Party “is completely insane…

Blitzer: Obama ‘Was Embarrassed' of the U.S. after Oregon Shooting

October 1st, 2015 10:49 PM
As part of CNN’s live coverage Thursday night of the deadly community college shooting in Oregon, fill-in AC360 host Wolf Blitzer declared that President Barack Obama “was embarrassed of the United States in front of the world” when he commented on the tragedy and urged Americans to “politicize” mass shootings. Prior to Blitzer’s observation, Zeleny fretted the presidential campaigns like that of…

CBS Blames GOP Senate, NRA for Lack of Gun Control after OR Shooting

October 1st, 2015 8:40 PM
Following President Barack Obama’s angry reaction Thursday night to the deadly community college shooting in Oregon and pleas to “politicize” mass shootings, the CBS Evening News did just that with a full story lamenting the lack of gun control by laying blame at the feet of the GOP-led Senate and the National Rifle Association (NRA) for their support of candidates in favor of gun rights.

ABC, NBC Ignore Suspension of Obama’s Rebel Training Policy in Syria

September 28th, 2015 10:52 PM
While the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC all covered on Monday night the developments at the United Nations (U.N.) and the meeting between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, ABC’s World News Tonight and NBC Nightly News failed to go the distance and report that Obama’s disastrous rebel training initiative in Syria had been suspended. In contrast, the CBS Evening News…

Matthews Attacks Cuban Heritage of Cruz, Rubio; 'Trapped' in the 1950s

September 17th, 2015 4:25 AM
In the late hours of Wednesday night after the Republican debate, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews was in his element as he whined about the 2016 GOP candidates being “very ideological tonight” and targeted the Cuban-American heritage of Senators Marco Rubio (Fl.) and Ted Cruz (Tex.) for thinking that “they still are fighting a Cold War” and “treat[ing] Obama like he’s Castro.”  

Matthews, Panel Mock GOP Women, Rural Virginians; 'Got an Attitude'

September 15th, 2015 1:29 AM
Prior to Donald Trump’s rally Monday night in Dallas, Texas, Chris Matthews and the panelists on MSNBC’s Hardball mocked Republican women and voters from “southwestern Virginia” of Scots-Irish heritage who’ve “got an attitude” and previously supported Democrats like Jim Webb. Matthews wrote them off as white people “like Pat Buchanan...the people that went to the mountains when they immigrated to…

O’Reilly Blasts Media for Ignoring Obama’s ‘Disastrous Foreign Policy'

September 10th, 2015 7:41 AM
Fox News Channel (FNC) host Bill O’Reilly slammed the liberal media at the top of Wednesday’s O’Reilly Factor for not having exposed the “the disastrous foreign policy of the Obama administration” in a pattern of behavior that he proclaimed as “simply stunning.” O’Reilly kicked off his four-minute-plus opening commentary by highlighting results of a recent  national poll on the Iran deal that…

Sharpton 'Not Telling Whole Truth' to Black Churches About Iran Deal

August 17th, 2015 6:16 PM
The Rev. Al Sharpton is, as usual, working as a black activist while hosting the MSNBC PoliticsNation weekday afternoon program. This time, he's calling on African-American churches to organize in support of the nuclear agreement with Iran. However, Victor Davis Hanson -- an American military historian, columnist and scholar – responded to Sharpton's charge that “our community is always…

Networks Ignore Obama's Broken Cybersecurity Promise in 90% of Stories

August 13th, 2015 10:57 AM
The Obama administration has managed cybersecurity so poorly, Secretary of State John Kerry has admitted to CBS that it is “very likely” the Russians and Chinese are reading his emails. Kerry’s admission came after multiple hacks of U.S. government data including the largest data breach in American history, when hackers allegedly working for the Chinese government stole the detailed records of…

Nets Cheer 'Defiant' Obama's 'Sweeping' Iran Speech 'with Fiery Words'

August 5th, 2015 9:48 PM
On Wednesday night, the major broadcast networks came out in full force to praise a “defiant” President Barack Obama for having made a “sweeping speech with fiery words” on the Iran nuclear deal that included the President following some in the media by comparing Iranian hardliners to Republicans against the deal (even though some Democrats are opposed to it as well). Hanging on to Obama’s every…

Nets Praise Obama for ‘Scolding’ Huckabee; Hit Bush for 'Attack' in 08

July 27th, 2015 9:51 PM
The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS and NBC gleefully promoted on Monday evening President Obama’s “scolding” of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee over his criticism of the Iran deal and his “scathing words” for the GOP field as candidates “are trying to out-trump [Donald] Trump.” Not surprisingly, the networks also sided with then-candidate Obama on May 15, 2008 when the same…

MSNBC’s Jansing, Todd Lament Lack of Gun Control for Obama Admin

July 24th, 2015 4:19 PM
At two separate points on Friday's The Rundown on MSNBC, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd, NBC's Chris Jansing and fill-in host Thomas Roberts bemoaned the lack of gun control during the Obama administration and especially after Newtown. Todd called on “responsible leaders” to put “everything on the table” to consider whether or not incidents such as the one in Lafayette Thursday night are…

CNN Rushes to Invoke Gun Control, Obama in Lafayette Shooting Coverage

July 24th, 2015 12:19 AM
It took only 12 minutes into their live coverage on Thursday night of the deadly movie theater shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana before CNN Tonight invoked gun control and President Obama with panelists lamenting the lack of “sufficient common sense” on guns, the need for a “more realistic in a interpretation of the Second Amendment” and that the issue will go down in history as President Obama’s…

O’Donnell Hails Obama Presser: ‘More Confidence...Than Any President'

July 16th, 2015 11:18 AM
On Wednesday night, MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell began his show by cheering President Obama’s news conference performance and declared he “demonstrated more confidence at the podium than any president in the history of televised presidential press conferences, more even than Kennedy.”