Handler: Minorities Might as Well Resist Cops, They'll Be Shot Anyways
The dumbest take currently on Twitter seems to belong to comedian Chelsea Handler’s account. Though what can you expect from someone whose most sophisticated political contribution involved her removing her clothes to entice people to vote. Still it’s shocking that she recently encouraged minorities to not comply with police as there’s already a high chance they’ll get shot anyways.

NAACP Image Awards on CBS Opens with 'Wise Old Grandpa' & 'Hip Auntie'
BET aired the 52nd Annual NAACP Image Awards on Saturday night and the show was simulcast on fellow ViacomCBS outlets BET Her, Comedy Central, Logo, MTV, MTV2, Paramount, Pop, Smithsonian, TV Land, VH1, BET Pluto, CMT. For the first time, it also aired on CBS. Ironically, the award show that celebrates the work and accomplishments of black people was opened by an old white…
NAACP Scalds NFL For Refusing To Cancel ‘Racist,’ 'Dangerous' Fox
NAACP today stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Cancellation People. The Association’s President and CEO Derrick Johnson demanded that the NFL cancel its relationship with Fox – calling it a hateful, divisive and racist organization – rather than renewing broadcast rights with the network.

Some Final Thoughts on Reparations
How would reparations be funded? Conservative writer Michael Medved estimates that only 5% of whites in America "bear any authentic sort of generational guilt for the exploitation of slave labor." Why should anyone but Democrats pay? Scholar Dinesh D'Souza notes that all but a "handful" of slave owners were Democrats. The Ku Klux Klan, at its height of power and popularity, was known by the…

White Celebs Release New Cringey PSA: ‘I Take Responsibility’
Celebrities are at it again, virtue signaling their little hearts out for whatever left-wing cause is currently trendy. This time, it’s white celebs specifically who have come together to collectively “take responsibility” for … I dunno, systemic racism, I guess?

Morning Joe Advice to Dems: Stop Campaigning on 'Reason,' Act Like GOP

Anthony Anderson Hopes Jussie Smollett Wins NAACP Image Award
Black Self-Sabotage

Montage: Media, Dems Accuse WH-Led Committee of 'Voter Suppression'

Sharpton: Our Poll-Watchers ‘Nonpartisan' Protectors,Trump’s ‘Illegal'

CNN's Bolduan Hounds Spicer on Trump's NAACP Refusal; He Pushes Back

NBC Plays Up 'Gasps' in Supreme Court After Scalia's Remarks
MTV Bullies Kids to Tears to Raise Awareness For ‘White Privilege'