Michelle Cottle

Surprise: NYT Editorial Slams HRC Defense of Bill, Mentions Broaddrick
October 19th, 2018 1:02 PM
Michelle Cottle, the lead New York Times editorial writer for national politics, issued a surprising signed lead editorial in Thursday’s edition, “Hillary Clinton’s Master Class in Distraction” (perhaps a quasi-lead editorial, as it carries the paper’s “Editorial Observer” tag, but it is in the regular editorial slot). Cottle actually mentioned respectfully the case of Juanita Broaddick, who…

DC Media Covered Up Sally Quinn's Occultism, Hex-Casting For Decades
September 19th, 2017 1:23 AM
The reception given to Sally Quinn's new book, Finding Magic, has been strangely quiet. Perhaps that's because the book shamelessly reveals that since 1973, if not earlier, Quinn, who was the nation's capital's de facto social gatekeeper for several decades, deceived the world about the true nature of her "religious" outlook, and did so with the help of the rest of the Washington press corps —…

Daily Beast Reporter Slams Family Research Council for Using Term 'Nat
March 27th, 2014 9:03 PM
One of the big steps in winning a social or political battle these days is defining the terms to be used in the debate. Remember how an “unborn child” became an antiseptic “fetus” during the start of the abortion debate? And how left-wingers now call themselves “progressives” since George H. W. Bush turned “liberal” into a slur during his 1988 presidential campaign?
According to a Thursday…
Daily Beast's Cottle: Ted Cruz 'Playing to the Passions and Paranoia
February 5th, 2014 3:10 PM
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, the Daily Beast's Michelle Cottle -- formerly of the New Republic -- accused Texas Senator Ted Cruz of "playing to the passions and paranoia" of the Republican base during a discussion of Cruz's criticism of the Obama administration's record of adhering to the law.
After host Al Sharpton played a clip of Senator Cruz's comments on…

Daily Beast Spins for Hillary, Dismisses Her Scandals as Irrelevant
January 15th, 2014 1:37 PM
The Daily Beast’s Michelle Cottle seems to feel the need to do Hillary Clinton’s bidding as the former Secretary of State prepares for her eventual 2016 presidential run. In a January 15 piece, The Daily Beast contributor whines that “the Hillary-Haters’ Book Club Will Never Run Out of Things to Read.”
Cottle’s entire piece was nothing more than a dismissal of Clinton-era “scandals” as a…
Daily Beast's Cottle: Some Dems Taking Rhetoric Too Far, Republicans A
October 1st, 2013 1:20 PM
Michelle Cottle is no fan of Republicans and certainly not of Tea Party conservatives. But in a sign that some liberal journalists are worried that Democrats may overreach with their alarmist rhetoric, the Daily Beast staffer called on Democrats to cool it a bit with the hyper-partisan invective during the government shutdown. To Cottle, it's okay to call conservatives hijackers and terrorists…

Daily Beast's Cottle Slams 'Degenerate Rodeo Clown' Limbaugh for Penni
September 11th, 2013 12:03 PM
She's not had the chance to read the book of course, but The Daily Beast's Michelle Cottle took to her keyboard on Tuesday to slam Rush Limbaugh for daring to publish his forthcoming children's book Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims. Cottle denounced the conservative radio host as a "degenerate rodeo clown" and compared buying one's child a copy of the book to letting "Howard Stern come in to…

Daily Beast’s Cottle on Anthony Weiner: ‘His Penis Is Still a Nati
September 8th, 2013 5:01 PM
NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday actually interviewed disgraced New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner.
This led Daily Beast columnist Michelle Cottle to smartly observe on Fox News’s Media Buzz, “While as a Congressman he wasn't that great, and as a mayoral candidate he’s down in the polls, his penis is still a national celebrity” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MSNBC’s Finney Uses Jovan Belcher Shooting to Attack Republicans
December 10th, 2012 11:29 AM
In what has become a recurring theme on MSNBC, liberal panelists will find some way of attacking Republicans for a completely unrelated issue. The latest example is the tragic murder-suicide involving NFL player Javon Belcher last week, which MSNBC’s Karen Finney used to smear Republicans in Congress, not over gun control -- that would be too predictable -- but, you guessed it, the "war on…