NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday actually interviewed disgraced New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner.
This led Daily Beast columnist Michelle Cottle to smartly observe on Fox News’s Media Buzz, “While as a Congressman he wasn't that great, and as a mayoral candidate he’s down in the polls, his penis is still a national celebrity” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
HOWARD KURTZ, HOST: Welcome, Michelle. My question is this video of Anthony Weiner going on and on and on after this guy, this moron who, you know, basically verbally accosted him, why exactly is it big news?
MICHELLE COTTLE, DAILY BEAST: Look, everybody loves a train wreck, and Anthony Weiner has been a pretty consistent train wreck for the last several months. So, you know, while as a Congressman he wasn't that great, and as a mayoral candidate he’s down in the polls, his penis is still a national celebrity. And that’s what we all want to talk about.
COTTLE: Oh, come on, you know you want.
STIREWALT: I don’t want to talk about any genitalia-related mayoral stories anymore.
Nobody does, Chris. Yet the media continue to spend time on this miscreant.
Heaven knows why.