Michael Schmidt

NYT Hails FBI's Comey for Sparing Hillary, Chides His Pro-Police Views

Obama-Clinton Emails Make His Related Kroft Interview Statements False

NY Times Does HRC's Bidding In Story On Criminal Inquiry Into Email

NYT Blames Roof's Gun Purchase on 'Loopholes' in System, Law

GOP Exposes Second Hillary Clinton Email Account NY Times Ignored
The New York Times has published two articles on the relationship between former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton and longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal. It has been known for some time that Blumenthal, barred by the Obama White House from working at State, nevertheless ran "a secret, private intelligence network" for Mrs. Clinton's benefit, "…

NYT Bemoans August Al Qaeda Plot Leak After Blowing Open Bush Admin Fi

WashTimes Writer Miller Notes Media 'Obsessed' with Linking AR-15 to N

Boston Bombing: NYT Reports, National Journal Speculates On 'Right-Win

As Other Outlets Finally Take Libya Seriously, NYT Buries Hearings on
NYTimes Frets Over Reduced Visibility of 'Populist' Occupy Movement, T
NYT's Haditha 'Massacre' Coverage Ends as it Begins, With Presumption

At Official End of Iraq War, NYTimes Performs Front-Page Psychoanalysi