Michael Barbaro

NYT: Free Publicity for Lefty Protest of GOP 'Ultrarich;' Obama's Bigg
July 10th, 2012 10:02 AM
On Monday, New York Times reporters Michael Barbaro and Sarah Wheaton made much of a left-wing protest of Mitt Romney fundraising in the well-heeled Hamptons, "Romney Mines the Hamptons for Campaign Cash." The text box: "Protesters gather outside events in sprawling homes."
President Obama hauled in $15 million in Hollywood at a fundraiser on George Clooney's Hollywood estate on May10. Yet…

NYT Devotes Front of Home Section to Romney-Bashing From the Candidate
June 7th, 2012 4:18 PM
The front of Thursday's New York Times Home section (!) features a large story targeting Mitt Romney that makes the paper's notorious front-page investigation into Ann Romney's troubling horse habit look as significant as Watergate by comparison.
Political reporter Michael Barbaro invaded the Home section and devoted a staggering 1,800-word investigation to the fact that Romney's liberal…

Liberal MSNBC Contributor Calls 'Bull' On 'Thin, Silly' NY Times Story
June 7th, 2012 3:43 PM
When even a panel of liberal journalists thinks the New York Times has gone too far with its Romney-bashing, you know the paper's descending to uncomfortable subterranean depths of bias. With the lone exception of Jodi Kantor, herself a New York Times reporter, the members of today's Now with Alex Wagner panned the Times for its Home section front-pager about Romney's La Jolla, California, home…

NYT Chides: Romney Already Running Too Harsh a Campaign Against Obama
April 26th, 2012 3:56 PM
The presidential campaign has just begun in earnest, but New York Times reporter Michael Barbaro already thinks the Mitt Romney campaign is getting too nasty. Barbaro's previous reporting doesn't betray much concern for Republican electoral prospects, but he was very concerned with the tone of the Romney campaign in Thursday's story.
(By contrast, the Times doesn't seem to mind Obama's…
Obama Not Dogged By Diet Revelations, But NYTimes Hits Romney in Print
April 20th, 2012 3:09 PM
The conservative blogosphere has been making mirth out of an entry from Barack Obama's first autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," in which he briefly mentions eating dog as a child in Indonesia.
It also functions as a counter to another shaggy political anecdote, widely propagated throughout the liberal media, about Mitt Romney strapping his pet dog to a crate on the top of his station…

Front-Page NYTimes News: Romney's 'Aloof Manner' Hurting His Ability t
March 13th, 2012 4:54 PM
It was Mitt Romney's turn in the barrel for the New York Times's recurring front-page political profile feature, "The Long Run." Walmart-hostile reporter Michael Barbaro did the honors Saturday, scouring the former Massachusetts' governor's former associates and rivals in the Boston statehouse and devoting nearly 2,000 words to the same "sometimes awkward style and aloof manner" criticism that…

Suspicious Concern Over Romney's 'Heavy New Baggage' After Florida Win
February 1st, 2012 3:18 PM
Mitt Romney can’t win for losing. Wednesday’s New York Times “news analysis” by Michael Barbaro and Ashley Parker posed as concerned over the “heavy new baggage” the Romney campaign had acquired by successfully going negative against Newt Gingrich in his Florida primary victory Tuesday night: “A Nasty Fight Carries Risks for the Winner.” Of course it does.

NYTimes Reporter Parker Dwells on Robotic Romney's 'Peculiar Habit,' S
December 28th, 2011 7:33 PM
New York Times political reporter Ashley Parker made Wednesday’s front page with yet another “Isn’t Romney stiff?”-themed story, “The Retooled, Loose Romney, Guessing Voters’ Age and Ethnicity,” cowritten with Michael Barbaro.
The Times has put Romney's mannerisms under the microscope on several occasions. Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic candidate in 2004, was another rich Northern…
NY Times Gay Marriage Roundup: Banner Headlines, Few Opponents, 'Tears
June 27th, 2011 2:40 PM
As expected, New York Times coverage of the law passed late Friday night allowing gay marraige in New York State was heavily favorable. Sunday’s front page New York Times story provided the tick-tock on how New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo marshaled support to pass gay marriage in the Republican-controlled New York State Senate in part by convincing “super-rich Republican donors” to support him, in…

NY Times Overexcited About First Daughter Barbara Bush's Support of Ga
February 1st, 2011 5:07 PM
New York Times reporter Michael Barbaro hyped up on Tuesday the less-than-earth-shattering news that Barbara Bush, one of President George W. Bush’s twin daughters, has made a video in support of gay marriage: “Daughter Of Bush Endorses Gay Marriages.”
Barbaro managed to compare the video Bush made for a gay rights group to such “weighty issues” as the Iraq War:
The Bush dynasty is no…

NY Times Bids Fond Farewell to Inflammatory Alan Grayson, 'Liberal Fol
January 4th, 2011 9:59 AM
Democrat Rep. Alan Grayson of Florida, the fiery leftist and Republican hater whose offensive comments about Republicans may well have cost him his seat last November, gets a fairly fond send-off in Monday's New York Times.
Reporter Michael Barbaro, previously known for his hostile coverage of Wal-Mart, called Grayson the “pugnaciously partisan, verbal-bomb-tossing, liberal folk hero of the…
NYT Post-Christmas: 'Americans Are Splurging As If It's 2007,' But Was
December 29th, 2010 11:36 PM
Not that it's a big surprise, but it seems that the answer to "How do we spin Christmas shopping season?" at the New York Times depends on which party occupies the Oval Office in Washington.
Monday, The Times's Stephanie Clifford, with the help of two other reporters, blew the holiday sales horn. Here are the first few paragraphs of her report, entitled "Retail Sales Rebound, Beating…
Hometown Heartbreak for NY Times: Mosque Opposition Spreads to Sophist
September 8th, 2010 7:58 AM
Well fancy that: The New York Times has learned what Times Watch has been pointing out for weeks: Not even New Yorkers want a large mosque built two blocks from the site of the 9-11 terrorist attacks.New York City residents were previously praised by Times reporters like Sheryl Gay Stolberg as better informed and thus more tolerant of the idea of a mosque at Ground Zero than ignorant outsiders.…
New York Times Faults Gov. Candidate Rick Lazio for Mosque Opposition
August 24th, 2010 3:52 AM
The front page of Monday's New York Times featured a story on how Rick Lazio, the Republican candidate for governor of New York, is gaining voter appeal from his strong opposition to the building of a mosque two blocks from the site of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks: "Lazio Finds an Issue in Furor Over Islamic Center."Reporter Michael Barbaro, while conceding the popular appeal of Lazio…