Matt Gutman

Nets Educate Viewers on How to Evade Trump’s ICE Raids of ‘Fear’
July 11th, 2019 9:11 PM
Immigration and Customs Enforcement were reportedly set to fan out across the country and roundup some 2,000 illegal immigrants for deportation on Sunday. So, the liberal broadcast networks did everything they could Thursday evening to get the word out and educate people on how to evade ICE officials. In the process, they suggested Trump was trying to terrorize communities.

ABC: Trump ‘Locking Up’ Migrant 'Toddlers' In ‘Basically Jail'
July 8th, 2019 9:59 AM
ABC was eager to accuse President Trump of jailing toddlers on Monday morning’s Good Morning America. Chief National Correspondent Matt Gutman hyped a report from The New York Times published this past weekend which relied on anonymous accounts from border agents detailing rampant disease and unhygienic conditions in one immigrant holding facility in Clint, Texas.

ABC Covers ‘First of Its Kind Raid’ of Human Smugglers in Guatemala
May 30th, 2019 11:21 PM
While NBC Nightly News was worried about President Trump slapping tariffs on Mexican goods because of their ineffectiveness in stemming the flow of migrants through their country and to the U.S., ABC’s World News Tonight went on a ride-along with Guatemala police in the “first of its kind raid on the human smugglers”.

Students Walk Out of Vigil Hijacked by Anti-Gun Pols, CBS/NBC Skip
May 9th, 2019 2:23 PM
On Wednesday night Highlands Ranch High School students and parents walked out of a vigil (meant to honor victims and heroes of the shooting) after politicians and gun control activists politicized the event. Only ABC’s Good Morning America, on Thursday, covered the outrage over gun control activists hijacking the memorial.

ABC Hypes Buttigieg’s ‘Candidacy Full of Firsts’, the ‘Anti-Trump’
April 14th, 2019 10:06 AM
South Bend, Indiana mayor, Pete Buttigieg (D) was set to formally announce his candidacy for president on Sunday and ABC’s Good Morning America completely bought into the hype and tried to amplify it. According to co-host Whit Jonson, the network sent chief national correspondent Matt Gutman to South Bend to “look at Mayor Pete and the momentum he's building.”

ABC, NBC Appalled Trump Defends Use of Tear Gas on Assaulting Migrants
November 26th, 2018 9:17 PM
On Sunday, U.S. Border Patrol came under attack when a large group of Central American migrants from the infamous caravan stormed the wall near the San Ysidro port of entry just outside of Tijuana, Mexico. The Border Patrol responded by dispersing the group (mostly adult males) with tear gas, a non-lethal method. Yet, during their Monday evening broadcasts, ABC and NBC were aghast and suggested…

Amid Their Roseanne Firestorm, ABC Whines: Trump Hasn’t Condemned Her
May 30th, 2018 9:20 PM
Since canceling ratings-powerhouse Roseanne on Tuesday, ABC and Disney have been under tremendous fire for even hiring Roseanne Barr given her long history of racism and unhinged antics. And in a tweet Wednesday, President Trump called out the company’s double standard of keeping on other such people but who target him. Instead of keeping their head down and taking their lumps, ABC actually…

ABC: Warmbier’s Dad Is ‘Perceived American Jab’ at ‘Korean Peace’
February 11th, 2018 12:35 AM
Saturday marked an unbelievably bad and downright disgraceful day for the liberal media in which they sided with North Korean in promoting their propaganda push at the Pyeongchang Olympics. ABC’s World News Tonight did its part by smearing the memory of the late Otto Warmbier, who was brutally tortured and left in a coma before being shipped back to the U.S. Reporting from Pyeongchang, senior…

CBS, NBC Ignore Democrat Cheering He's ‘Glad’ Scalise ‘Got Shot'
June 23rd, 2017 10:26 PM
In Friday’s edition of liberal media double standards, the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News saw no reason to cover new audio out of Nebraska in which a state Democratic Party official used an expletive to proclaim he’s “glad” Republican Congressman Steve Scalise (La.) “got shot” on June 14.

ABC, CBS Overreact to Trump’s Immigration Comment, Muir Misquotes
February 23rd, 2017 10:21 PM
President Donald Trump sent ABC and CBS off the rails Thursday when he made public statements about the efficiency of this deportation operations. Trump described the program as running like a “military operation,” which any normal person would understand was a figure of speech. But to ABC anchor David Muir it gave him license to fly off the handle and falsely claim, during the opening tease of…

Nets Tout Liberal Town Hall Protests, Deny Outside Organization
February 22nd, 2017 10:30 PM
The liberal Big Three networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) continued to revel in the throngs of agitated leftists descending on the town hall meetings of GOP lawmakers Wednesday. “We begin tonight with Americans across this country determined to have their voices heard, and their target, members of Congress home for break,” hyped anchor David Muir, kicking off World News Tonight, “What they are getting…

ABC, NBC Tout Women’s March, Downplay Hate and Bomb Threat
January 22nd, 2017 11:22 AM
The Sunday following the anti-President Donald Trump Women’s March on Washington, network news rushed to spin the event as an inclusive event about putting the president on notice. “[Trump will] be confronting images, however, like this,” hyped Paula Farris on Good Morning America, “Hundreds of thousands of women, and men, hitting the streets.” There was no talk of the obscene parts of Ashley…

ABC Spends 2x More Time on ‘Brangelina’ Than U.S. Economy
October 11th, 2016 10:53 AM
Comedians often knock celebrities for spending too little time in their marriages. In September 2016, ABC spent too much time on one celebrity’s marriage and too little on voters’ most important issue: the economy.

Nets Scold Dallas Police for ‘Questionable Tactic’ of Robot Bomb
July 11th, 2016 1:03 PM
On Monday, all three network morning shows were eager to second guess the Dallas Police Department’s decision to use a bomb delivered by robot to kill ambush sniper Micah Johnson and fretted over the militarization of police across the country. At the top of CBS This Morning, with the headline “Questionable Tactics” emblazoned across the screen, co-host Gayle King worried: “And questions about…