Matt Flegenheimer

NYT's 5,000-Word Snipefest at Former NYT Editor Bari Weiss Backfires
New York Times reporter Matt Flegenheimer unloaded an almost 5,000-word attempt at a hit piece on journalist Bari Weiss, who founded The Free Press after resigning from the Times in 2020. The online headline deck: “Bari Weiss Knows Exactly What She’s Doing -- The founder of The Free Press has built a new media empire by persuading audiences…

New York Times Attacks Gutfeld For Promoting 'Nihilism'
With the network comedians on strike, Fox’s Greg Gutfeld is currently the sole late night comic on air and that led the New York Times’s Matt Flegenheimer and Jeremy Peters to pen a nearly 4,000-word profile of Gutfeld where he was smeared as a nihilist working for a network that is a threat to democracy.

NYT REJOICES Over 'Normal' GOPer Sununu as Anti-DeSantis Alternative
A New York Times profile of Gov. Chris Sununu, the moderate Republican governor of New Hampshire, positioned him as the acceptable Republican presidential candidate for 2024, unlike those culture warriors and Trump “acolytes” like Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley -- and Donald Trump himself. The online headline was contemptuous of Republicans: “Chris Sununu Eyes the G.O.P.’s ‘Normal’ Lane…

NYT Paints DeSantis As Right-Wing Strongman, ‘Crush[ing] Adversaries'
Another day, another Ron DeSantis hit piece in a major newspaper. “Is Ron DeSantis the Future of the Republican Party?” by New York Times reporter Matt Flegenheimer is set to appear in the September 18 Sunday Magazine, posing the question: Will Florida’s governor throw his hat in the ring for president, even if Donald Trump runs as well? After some preamble, Flegenheimer sets…

Giddy NYTimes Prematurely Blessed Biden Blowout: 400 Electoral Votes!
The New York Times got ahead of itself in more ways than one over Election 2020. On the afternoon of Election Day, the paper was obliged to delete a tweet that arrogantly stated “the role of declaring a winner of the presidential election falls to the news media….” Um, no. The Times joined the “Biden blowout” brigade around a month ago with increasingly confident predictions…

NY Times: Pence the Mansplainer, Sexist to Find Harris ‘Condescending'
The New York Times’ coverage of the 2020 vice-presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris was almost as slanted as CNN and MSNBC’s, complete with a full story on “fly”-gate and accusations of mansplaining by Pence against Harris. For example, reporter Maggie Astor accused debate viewers of sexism and racism for finding Harris condescending.

NYTimes Engages in Awful Fact-Checking, Tars GOP 'Alternate Histories'
The New York Times set the table for Night Three from the Republican National Convention by accusing Republicans of “using selectively edited scenes to exaggerate violence from the summer protest movement….warping momentary scenes of violence from largely peaceful protests earlier this year into scenes of chaos.” A convention recap tried to gin up sympathy for poor Joe Biden: "The…

NYT Gets Emotional Over Biden’s Bio: 'A Good Man to Defeat a Bad Man'
The New York Times got mawkish over Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night. The front page of Friday’s New York Times found reporter Matt Flegenheimer’s prose in full overbearing flower paying homage to his challenging personal biography: “Despair, Detours and the Fulfillment of a Dream.” Former White House…

NYT Spins: Trump's Tulsa Rally ‘Terrible Idea,' Black Protests Awesome
The New York Times on Saturday hypocritically hectored Trump supporters before their rally Saturday night in Tulsa. Reporter Matt Flegenheimer’s “news analysis” in Saturday’s edition used the gathering as an unflattering metaphor for the administration’s high-risk strategy in general: “‘What Do You Have To Lose?’ Best Read The Fine Print.”

New York Times Front-Page Sugar Puff on Biden's Tender Loving Eulogies
The New York Times somehow thinks it's front-page investigative reporting to do a deep dive....into Biden's self-selected pile of eulogies so they can tout him as the anti-Trump, an "Emissary of Grief" who demonstrates the "capacity to heal."
NY Times Reporter Panics Over Trump’s ‘Anti-Democratic Streak’
New York Times political reporter Matt Flegenheimer filed a panicky “Political Memo” for Wednesday’s edition: “Trump’s Bible Photo Op Further Divides Debate On State of Democracy.” It’s another brick in the edifice the paper is trying to construct portraying Trump as a danger to American democracy.

NY Times Front Page: Dumb Donald Wants Us to Drink Disinfectant

NYT: Virus Shows We Blew ‘Most Important Election’ of Lives on Trump