Liam Neeson

NYT Critic Loves ‘Dunk Against Capitalism,’ Hates Neeson's Racist Film
February 9th, 2019 5:45 PM
ew York Times movie critic A.O. Scott clearly had a liberal itch to scratch in his movie reviews Friday. Steven Soderbergh’s High Flying Bird is about an N.B.A. rookie caught in a long strike who has a vision of fighting the league’s entrenched ownership. His take? “A Thrilling Slam Dunk Against Capitalism.” (Reminder: Scott is employed by a billion dollar organization,the New York Times Co.)…

Sneak Peek: Liam Neeson Narrates New CNN Series ‘Pope’
March 9th, 2018 4:33 PM
A new CNN series on the papacy boasts star power and controversy in an attempt to retell the history of the Catholic Church. On Sunday, CNN will debut a six-part series on the papacy: Pope: The Most Powerful Man in History. The docuseries stars actor Liam Neeson as narrator.

Liam Neeson Resigns from Club Over 'Shockingly Offensive' Abortion Ad
December 5th, 2016 11:46 AM
After facing outrage due to an Amnesty International ad calling for the “repeal of the eighth” amendment to expand abortion rights in Ireland, actor Liam Neeson has stepped down as president of his childhood boxing club. Locals and Catholic groups were angered by Neeson lending his voice to the film that some called “shockingly offensive,” according to Yahoo Movies UK.

Angry Bill Maher: Obama's 'Done Fantastic,' 'Racist' Tea Party Shows
June 23rd, 2014 3:34 PM
Liberal comic Bill Maher appeared on Monday's The View and was touted by the hosts as the "kind of guest we like around here because he will tear into any hot topic and he does not hold back.” Unsurprisingly Maher praised the "fantastic" Obama and slammed the "racist" Tea Party.
The hosts tossed Maher questions about guns, Hillary Clinton, PETA, and President Obama’s job performance and he…

Bill Maher Praises PETA, Tells Liam Neeson to 'Just Shut Up' Over Trea
June 18th, 2014 7:52 PM
It's not hard to tell where the host of Real Time With Bill Maher stands on the issue of “animal rights.” As with most topics, the comedian hasn't held anything back since before 2003, when he received the Celebrity Animal Advocate of the Year Award at the Animal Rights National Conference in Los Angeles.
During the past week, however, the HBO host set his sights on two interesting targets:…

ABC Skips Actor Liam Neeson Slamming Lib Mayor Bill de Blasio: 'Man Up
March 10th, 2014 5:20 PM
Once again, ABC's Good Morning America avoided an issue that makes liberal New York Mayor Billl de Blasio look bad. CBS This Morning and NBC's Today on Monday both highlighted how popular actor Liam Neeson slammed the Democrat, telling him to "man up." Neeson and others are furious that de Blasio wants to ban horse-drawn carriage rides within the city.
This Morning guest co-host Anthony…

Liam Neeson Tees Off on Mayor DeBlasio on the Daily Show
February 27th, 2014 6:39 PM
Actor Liam Neeson ranted against New York City's ultra-liberal Mayor Bill DeBlasio on Wednesday's Daily Show, citing his ban on horse-drawn carriages and keeping city schools open during a recent snow storm.
"I'm a little bit pissed off at our elected new mayor," Neeson revealed to host Jon Stewart. "He made my kids go to school in all that snow." Neeson added later that despite poll numbers…