Katrin Bennhold

NYT's Front-Page Panic: 'MAGA Forces Push Message Across Europe'
New York Times’s Berlin bureau chief Katrin Bennhold made Tuesday’s front page with the “news analysis” “MAGA Forces Push Message Across Europe.” Bennhold’s reporting focuses solely on the dangers of the “far right” in Germany, or at least groups and personalities which she identifies as such. This time, Bennhold’s designated villain out to disrupt the world is well-known to Americans…

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New York Times Falls for Fake Quotes Mocking ‘Germany’s Trump'

NY Times, AP Focus on Backlash and Not Details of German Girl's Murder

NYT: 'Hard Right’ in Trump & Neo-Fascist Europe; ‘Trickle-Down' Insult

NYT, Naturally: East German Women ‘More Emancipated' Than Western

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NYT Front-Page Item Frets Over 'Anti-Immigrant Sentiments' in Europe

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