Joe Biden

NUTS: Bloomberg Op-Ed Yaps Biden Econ Has ‘Best Growth’ Since Clinton

September 2nd, 2022 11:24 AM

A Bloomberg Opinion columnist babbled that President Joe Biden’s economy is the best since Bill Clinton’s. That’s despite rampant inflation and credit card debt, and the fact that many families are struggling to pay everyday bills.

Cramer Claims Stewart Was Trying to Get Him Fired: 'One Day He'll Answ

May 14th, 2009 5:11 PM
Usually when CNBC's Jim Cramer is making headlines, it's for his outrageous antics or over-the-top statements. Not this time. Time magazine's Justin Fox interviewed Cramer asking him questions submitted by readers which was posted on May 14. Two of those questions dealt with his March 12 appearance on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show." In his answers, Cramer accused Jon Stewart of…