Jon Mecham

On PBS, Historian Jon Meacham Compares Liz Cheney, Bush Sr. to Lincoln
Firing Line host Margaret Hoover talked to liberal historian, presidential biographer, and current Biden speechwriter Jon Meacham, who made some bizarre modern-day comparisons to President Abraham Lincoln and denied he was a Democrat, in the latest edition of the relaunched public affairs show on PBS. Meacham predictably cited Lincoln, the subject of his latest biography, and found…

Hyperbolic Meacham on SCOTUS Draft Opinion: 'Everything Is At Risk'
Historian Jon Meacham joined a special edition of Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC on Tuesday to warn that “everything is at risk” if the leaked draft opinion from Justice Alito overturning Roe v. Wade ends up being the final opinion.

Meacham Lumps Jackson Nomination in With Ukraine, WWII, Democracy
Presidential historian, sometimes Biden speechwriter, and frequent MSNBC Jon Meacham joined The 11th Hour on Friday to recap what turned out to be a very eventful week. For Meacham, the week both the defense of Ukraine and the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court are critically important for democracy, just like winning World War II.

‘I Want Him Back’; Matthews Declares Obama Is ‘Still Thrilling to Me’