
CNN Loves Sotomayor’s ‘Fiery’ But Very Ignorant Dissent on Bump Stocks

June 14th, 2024 5:18 PM

Friday marked a big win for gun rights advocates when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Trump administration-era ban on bump stocks by the ATF. In their immediate reactions to the 6-3 ruling, CNN Newsroom pontificators were largely unhappy with the court's affirmation of a piece of plastic not being a machine gun and lauded the “fiery” dissenting opinion authored by liberal Justice…


Acosta Delighted Trump's Speech to Libertarians ‘Blew Up in His Face’

May 28th, 2024 6:27 PM

The Monday morning segment of CNN Newsroom featured a gleeful Jim Acosta boasting about former President Donald Trump’s combative reception and unsuccessful speech at the Libertarian National Convention. He was joined by The View’s Ana Navarro and Democratic strategist Maria Cardona, both of whom took the opportunity to paint Trump as unnerved by an unfamiliar and unfriendly setting…

Trump’s Bronx Rally And The Wrath of Spurned Media Gatekeepers

May 26th, 2024 9:33 PM

Much of the media analysis of former President Donald Trump’s visit to the South Bronx centers around whether it was electorally savvy or good campaign strategy. Little has been said about the outbreak of bigotry vomited over the airwaves subsequent to the rally.


CNN: Latinos Voting For Trump Have 'A Very Stupid Attitude'

May 24th, 2024 12:31 PM

CNN Newsroom host Jim Acosta and senior political commentator and occasionally co-host of The View Ana Navarro sought on Friday to explain the “disconnect” between former President Donald Trump’s “rhetoric… about migrants” and minority support for him. Navarro claimed such voters have “a very stupid attitude” and suggested they are on a doomed mission to appease racists who…


'I'm Sorry, What?" Acosta Whines Butker Not 'Banned' Like Kaepernick

May 17th, 2024 11:45 AM

CNN host and self-appointed guardian of truth Jim Acosta welcomed sports reporter Rachel Nichols to Friday’s CNN Newsroom for a factually-challenged segment about Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker’s commencement address to Benedictine College, where he declared that female graduates may get more satisfaction from their family lives than their careers. For Acosta, it was…


BREAKING: Biden, Trump Agree to Debates in June on CNN, Sept. on ABC

May 15th, 2024 11:44 AM

Following a flurry of developments Wednesday morning that publicly began with the Biden campaign’s lengthy statement and cut-filled video of President Biden goating former President Donald Trump, the two sides agreed just before 11:00 a.m. Eastern to an audience-less presidential debate for Thursday, June 27 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern inside CNN’s newly-minted Atlanta, Georgia compound in Techwood…


Acosta Practically Begs IDF Spox To Give Up Fight Against Hamas

May 8th, 2024 1:38 PM

IDF spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Peter Lerner admirably managed to calmly, but firmly educate CNN Newsroom host Jim Acosta on Wednesday that there is “no magic wand” that will force Hamas to surrender amid Acosta’s pestering and insistence that enough is enough.


Fake News Jim, Legion of Dumb Cry Uncle Over Trump’s ‘Bloodbath’ Line

March 21st, 2024 8:53 AM

In an unfortunate move for the country, CNN’s morning programming reshuffle has meant subjecting their tens of viewers to an hour of Fake News Jim Acosta (as opposed to stashing him for a few hours on weekends). In turn, we’re stuck with segments like one on Wednesday in which he convened rule of experts fan Tom Nichols and cockamamie professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat for what one could only describe…


HA HA! Fake News Jim, CNN Panel Melt Down Over Judge Ripping Willis

March 15th, 2024 3:52 PM

While the first hour of CNN’s Friday morning coverage on Fulton County, Georgia Judge Scott McAfee’s ruling allowing District Attorney Fani Willis to remain on the 2020 election case against Donald Trump was fairly restrained, the same couldn’t be said about the 10:00 a.m. Eastern hour as Fake News Jim Acosta arrived. Between Acosta and his not-so-merry band of fellow leftist analysts and…


CNN's Van Jones: Trump Victory = Russian Tanks Rolling Through Europe

March 7th, 2024 7:20 AM

CNN's Van Jones warned of a hypothetical apocalypse following Donald Trump's Super Tuesday sweep and Niki Haley's withdrawal from the 2024 primary race. After Jim Acosta questioned how Joe Biden could secure Haley's supporters' votes, Jones cautioned against future horror across Europe, potentially involving Russian tanks and American soldiers, if Trump gained their endorsement. Jones also…


Acosta: Trump Appeals Go ‘Against What Our Judicial System’ Stands For

March 4th, 2024 5:20 PM

The unanimous 9-0 U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down liberal state efforts to remove former President Trump from their 2024 ballots had the liberal media in a tailspin, on Monday. In the minutes following to release of their decision, CNN Newsroom host Jim Acosta was clearly irked as he absurdly whined that no one else in the history of America had appealed their cases more…

Idiocy: CNN Promotes Acosta to Weekdays, Cancels ‘CNN This Morning’

February 5th, 2024 2:06 PM

On Monday morning, the seemingly constant shakeup of CNN’s fledgling, ratings-starved lineup continued as the network revealed the disastrous CNN This Morning will be axed as part of a new morning schedule that’ll include CNN’s pompous shill and former White House correspondent Jim Acosta being promoted to mid-morning weekdays after just over three years hosting late-afternoon weekend…


FLASHBACK: Hateful Media Trashed Limbaugh After Cancer Diagnosis

February 4th, 2024 10:10 AM

Instead of respectfully permitting conservatives to honor a cherished leader, media liberals felt compelled to unleash a nasty stream of rhetoric tarring Rush Limbaugh as a bigot, a “racist,” and a “misogynist” mere hours after he disclosed what would turn out to be a fatal cancer diagnosis.


Liberal Media SUPPRESS Pro-Hamas Insurrection at the White House

January 14th, 2024 10:46 PM

If an insurrection happened and no one reported on it, did it really happen? Can the perpetrators of violence escape accountability if it escaped the notice of the corporate media? These questions were put to the test as the corporate media conducted a virtual blackout of Saturday night’s violent protests outside the White House.