Jeffrey Zucker

FLASHBACK: The Journalists We Said Goodbye to in 2022
In 2022, some of cable TV’s most obnoxious left-wing executives, hosts, correspondents and commentators were shown the door. On this final day of 2022, a look back at those who we said goodbye to this year, and how the fairness of the media landscape is at least somewhat improved by their departure.

NBC Hits Disgraced Zucker for Hiring Trump, Forgets He Hired Lauer
NBC on Thursday discovered the most disgraceful thing that ex-Today show producer Jeff Zucker did, now that he’s resigned from CNN after a sex scandal: Zucker hired Donald Trump back in the ‘90s. The fact that Zucker also secured the career success of alleged sex abuser Matt Lauer went unmentioned by the Today show.

Blowing It All Up: Cuomo Plans to Sue CNN for Over $18 Million
In an apparent attempt to get the rest of his contract money, disgraced former CNN loudmouth and host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo plans to sue the network for over $18 million after they fired him on Saturday, according to a New York Post exclusive published Monday. This now pits CNN boss Jeff Zucker against a bitter Cuomo possibly looking to rhetorically blow up the network that touted him…

Tucker Truth-Bomb: CNN, Media Lefties Want to See FNC Shut Down
During his Monday night monologue, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson stated the blunt, honest truth that, from CNN to The Washington Post, many in the liberal media see it as their life’s mission to not only shut down Fox News (and we would add like-minded outlets), but send every last person who worked there to the unemployment lines.

NEW NewsBusters Podcast: The Secret CNN Tapes
In the latest outraged oration of the NewsBusters Podcast, Executive Editor Tim Graham explores the latest secret tapes of CNN executives, as recorded by Project Veritas, and how CNN tried to dismiss them by suggesting the taping might be a felony! Scott Whitlock joins Tim to discuss the utter lack of comedy in late night.

Alan Dershowitz: CNN Chose Avenatti Over Me for Russia Probe Analysis

CNN's Bernstein, Zucker Peddle Sanctimonious Hyperbole Out the Wazoo

Stelter Goes Ballistic Over Media As 'Enemy of the People' Poll Result

Carlson Calls Zucker's 'State-Run TV' Attack on Fox 'Projection'

Bozell Calls for Independent Review of Sexual Misconduct at NBC

CNN's Zucker: Fox News Is 'State-Run TV,' Decries 'Fake News' Term