This Lefty Hollywood Director Slams ‘Coward’ Pelosi Over Impeachment

August 21st, 2019 2:23 PM
Trouble in paradise? We all know lefty Hollywood types hate Trump, and Trump’s supporters. And conservatives. And religious people. And rural America -- okay, so they hate a lot of folks. But one group could always count on Tinsel Town’s love and money: Democrats. Bill, Hillary, Barack -- even Al Gore -- were rock stars among the power-worshipping lefties.

Flashback: ABC Cheered Pelosi ‘Taking Care of the Children & Country’

January 3rd, 2019 2:09 AM
The last time Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House, in January of 2007, ABC anchor Charles Gibson showed video of her on the House floor holding her infant grandchild “while giving directions on how events were to proceed.” Gibson hailed: “It seemed the ultimate in multitasking: Taking care of the children, and the country.”

WaPo: CNS Reporter an ‘Anti-Abortion Protester’ for Questioning Pelosi

October 1st, 2015 5:11 PM
Reporters who dare to ask pro-abortion politicians if an unborn baby is a human being are now being called “abortion protesters” -- by the liberal media, that is. At a press conference Thursday morning, journalist Sam Dorman from MRC’s news division, CNS News, asked Rep. Nancy Pelosi a question about abortion. For daring to challenge the abortion-supporting House Minority Leader, reporter…

NY Times Columnist Asks: Is ObamaCare Destroying the Democratic Party?

December 3rd, 2014 6:54 PM
Clashes between leaders in the Democratic Party are rarely reported by the press, which regularly points out even the slightest disagreement among Republicans as a sign that the GOP is crumbling before our very eyes. That wasn't the case on Tuesday, when New York Times columnist Thomas B. Edsal asked if ObamaCare is destroying the Democratic Party because that “redistribution scheme has angered…

Ed Schultz Bloviates Bogus Claim on Fairness Doctrine

November 7th, 2008 2:36 PM
Those blue meanies over in conservative talk radio, "progressive talker" Ed Schultz opined yesterday. There they go again, Schultz sighed, making a fuss for hardly any reason over possible reimposition of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine."Here's what Schultz had to say (click here for audio) -- It's been interesting and I have listened to it more in the last couple of days than I have in a long,…