Grammy Awards

Hateful Hip-Hop: Top U.S. R&B/Hip-Hop Songs Objectify Women 55 Times
April 12th, 2018 10:35 AM
In the #MeToo era, many in the music industry have been producing and awarding sexually exploitive lyrics.

Newsweek 'Reports' Bruno Mars Grammy Win Due to White Supremacy
March 12th, 2018 11:07 AM
Some social media critics have been pondering whether Bruno Mars really deserved Album of the Year at 2018’s Grammy’s. Though, this discussion didn’t revolve around the actual quality or mass-appeal of his record, but on identity politics, and whether his win was predicated on dreaded “white supremacy.”

Grammys Install Social Justice Bureau to Ensure Music Diversity
March 8th, 2018 9:00 AM
If you thought the 2018 Oscars was an insufferable parade of identity politics complaints, wait until next year’s Grammys! The Recording Academy has just announced it has hired Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff, Tina Tchen, as its own personal diversity consultant.

‘There She Goes Again!’ Conservative Leaders on Hillary’s Grammy Stunt
January 30th, 2018 4:40 PM
If you watched the Grammys Sunday night, you’re apparently in very select company. Viewership of the three and a half-hour trashcast was off 24% and scored all-time low ratings in its target demographic. And small wonder. All entertainment awards shows are awful, but few are as vulgar and insulting, and none have less to actually celebrate.

CNN Pundits Back Liberal Fanaticism at Grammys, Blame Trump Instead
January 29th, 2018 12:23 PM
Talk about twisting yourself into a pretzel. On Monday morning’s CNN Newsroom, two CNN pundits determined that Hillary Clinton reading Fire and Fury at the Grammy Awards might not have been smart, but the far-left politicization of award shows shouldn’t be condemned and instead taken to heart due to the “damage” President Trump has caused to “the Republican brand.”

MRC Awards Show Awards: The Bad, the Worse, and the Oprah
January 29th, 2018 10:35 AM
The Grammys are over (and if you watched it, sorry: those IQ points are gone forever.) The Oscars are a little over a month away. That means the we’ve reached peak entertainment awards season, with all the glitz, style and self-congratulation kicking into overdrive.

#GrammysSoPolitical: Hillary Gets 'Biggest Cheer of the Night'
January 28th, 2018 11:38 PM
How political were the 60th Annual Grammy Awards Sunday night? According to host James Corden, the music audience's response to Hillary Clinton "might have been the biggest cheer of the night."

Bernie Sanders Nominated for Best Spoken Word Album Grammy
November 28th, 2017 3:01 PM
In the world of music, it’s the year of hip-hop, rap and Bernie Sanders -- at least according to the Grammy nominations. Nominations for the 60th annual Grammy Awards were released on November 28. Among the pop stars and rappers, the Recording Academy nominated Vermont senator and 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. No, Sanders didn’t drop a rap album about socialism, but he did release…

Joy Villa Stands Up To Hollywood With Song ‘Make America Great Again'
July 5th, 2017 10:59 AM
While most celebrities are bemoaning our current political climate, music artist Joy Villa is proactively working to heal divided America through music. And her new hit single, ‘Make America Great Again,’ is doing exactly that.

NYT's Virtue-Signaling: #GrammysSoWhite and 'Was Beyonce Robbed?'
February 14th, 2017 5:52 PM
Having handed over its already pretentious arts pages wholly to ethnic and gender-based virtue signaling, the New York Times certainly wasn’t going to let the racially charged Grammys pass without commentary. Jon Caramanica celebrated an onstage rappers' revolt while slamming Adele for beating Beyonce for album of the year, in “Dealing With #GrammysSoWhite," and Joe Coscarelli fanned the Grammy…

Rich, Liberal Celebs Claim to Stand for 'We the People' at the Grammys
February 13th, 2017 12:30 AM
The 59th Annual Grammy Awards was hosted live by James Corden at the Staples Center in Los Angeles Sunday night on CBS. A Tribe called Quest led the predictable, tiresome left-wing takes, while singer Joy Villa went the surprising route at the Staples Center in Los Angeles Sunday night on CBS.

Black Lives Matter Propaganda Takes Center Stage at the Grammys
February 16th, 2016 2:07 AM
The 58th Annual Grammy Awards had many moments to celebrate. Whether it was Gary Sinise honoring veterans or great tributes to many legends we have lost this year: BB King, Bowie, Glenn Frey, and others. Compared to years past it was a pretty tame event. But it just wouldn't be the Grammys without someone making a political statement.

At Grammys, Obama Promotes 'Partnership' With Soros-Funded Group
February 10th, 2015 9:47 AM
The Grammy Awards were not just a stage for musicians' egos in 2015, but a platform for promoting a cause backed by President Barack Obama and a Soros-funded organization.
CBS gave 1 minute, 12 seconds at the music awards to play a pre-recorded video with President Barack Obama, during which he promoted the "It's On Us" campaign against sexual violence.
Same Love: Queen Latifah Officiates Gay Weddings at Grammys
January 26th, 2014 11:29 PM
Not to be outdone by other awards shows, the 56th Grammy Awards decided to put on a wedding ceremony for 33 "Same Love" couples. Performers Madonna, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, and Queen Latifah banded together to produce a wedding ceremony for the mixture of gay and straight couples, which included Ryan Lewis' sister and her fiancé. Madonna hinted at this on the E! pre-show when she told Ryan…