George W. Bush

Blogger: Media Will Protect Trump Like They Did Reagan and Dubya
November 30th, 2016 9:23 PM
When Donald Trump is POTUS, he’s likely to get deferential, even helpful, media coverage, predicted Atrios on Monday. After all, he explained, that’s been the pattern for Republican presidents since the 1980s. When Ronald Reagan was in the White House, Atrios alleged, “members of the press knew that [he] had some form of dementia, that he was not actually fit to run the country, and they covered…

CBS Fawns Over 'Special' Jon Stewart's 'Daily Show;' 'Cultural Event'
November 22nd, 2016 2:53 PM
On Tuesday, CBS This Morning went gaga over liberal comedian Jon Stewart's and the 17 years of his Daily Show. Charlie Rose gushed that "it became, for all of us, a, kind of, cultural event — more than a show." He later added, "There was nothing quite like him. A lot of people did it very well....But Jon had a special place." Rose, along with Gayle King and Norah O'Donnell, later marveled over…

Salon's Amanda Marcotte: Media Got Hillary Same Way They Got Gore
November 19th, 2016 1:55 PM
Major similarities between the 2016 presidential election and that of 2000 don’t end with the Democrat winning the popular vote but losing the electoral vote, claims Marcotte, who contended that the media had it in for Hillary Clinton the same way they did for Al Gore, and that in each case biased campaign coverage was a factor in driving down Democratic voter turnout. Regarding this year’s race…

'Superstore' Tells Employees Under Pressure to 'Stay Obama Cool'
November 11th, 2016 12:07 AM
It’s okay to call President Obama cool again, according to NBC’s Superstore. Quite the change from 2012 when almost anything said about him was considered racist, including the word “cool.”

Maher Panics Over 'Fascist' Prez Trump, Confesses 'Cried Wolf' on Bush
November 5th, 2016 11:53 PM
On Friday's Real Time on HBO, far left host Bill Maher seemed to be in a panic over the possibility that Donald Trump will be elected President, as he repeatedly hit on his worries that there is a "slow-moving, right-wing coup" that will bring to power a "fascist" President Trump, even going so far as to invoke the Rwanda genocide of the 1990s and Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. Maher even ended up…

Press Ignores Clinton Probes' Indictment Exposure, Obsessed Over Rove
November 3rd, 2016 3:41 PM
A decade ago, the press burned through tons of newsprint, hours and hours of broadcast time, and huge amounts of Internet bandwidth obsessing over the possibility that Karl Rove, President George W. Bush's closest adviser, would be indicted in connection with the alleged revelation of the name of CIA agent Valerie Plame.

Liberal Fantasies Comes True in New Anti-Bush Comedy 'Graves'
October 24th, 2016 2:03 PM
We all know the George W. Bush years were hard for liberals, but EPIX takes Bush Derangement Syndrome to a whole new level with their new original series Graves.

Bush Derangement Syndrome Breaks Out on ‘Supergirl’
October 11th, 2016 2:31 AM
In a totally gratuitous move, Monday’s season two premiere of CW’s Supergirl (formerly on CBS) referenced a past American president to imply stupidity. Guess which one.

Professor: ‘There Really Are Not That Many Movement Conservatives’
September 28th, 2016 3:13 PM
According to one left-of-center blogger and one right-of-center professor, a major takeaway from the 2016 presidential contest is that ideological conservatism is unpopular, even in the Republican party. Samuel Goldman, a political-science prof at the George Washington University and a frequent contributor to The American Conservative, stated that the “great message” of Donald Trump’s campaign “…

New Republic Writer: Dems Should Bash Bush Like GOPers Bashed Carter
September 23rd, 2016 2:46 PM
A current hot topic in campaign coverage is Hillary Clinton’s underperformance among millennials, an unusually large number of whom favor the second-tier candidates, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. Brian Beutler thinks those 18-to-29-year-olds who aren’t #WithHer don’t grasp what happened the last time a significant portion of the left was lukewarm about the Democratic nominee: 2000, when lefty…

Pundit: GOP’s ‘Intellectual Rot’ Explains Trump, ‘Hatred of Obamacare'
September 21st, 2016 5:28 PM
Many consider Donald Trump an anomaly in the Republican party, but they really shouldn’t, suggested New York’s Chait in a Tuesday piece. Chait argued that the GOP which nominated Trump for president is pretty much the same GOP which has freaked out for several years over the Affordable Care Act. As Chait put it, “Republican hatred of Obamacare exemplifies the madness that left its elite unable to…

Pundit: ‘We've Been Grading Republicans on a Curve For Decades'
September 13th, 2016 11:08 PM
To borrow the title of a Clint Eastwood movie, liberals are having trouble with the curve -- specifically, the curve which they claim the media are using to grade Donald Trump. President Obama and Paul Krugman are among those who’ve raised that objection. Esquire blogger Pierce agrees with them, but he also asserted in a Sunday post that the media’s supposedly lenient treatment of Trump is “…

GQ Attacked Bush Daughters in '05, Says We Should Ignore Malia Now
September 13th, 2016 1:46 PM
It's clear that isn't at all interested in consistency, and that it doesn't care if it gets caught employing a blatant double standard. Catching them at it was just too easy. In the wake of the latest reported incident involving President Barack Obama's 18 year-old daughter Malia — she has been photographed while playing the drinking game Pong in Maryland, a state where, as in the rest of…

Liberal Blogger Calls Conservatism ‘Cartoonish’
September 4th, 2016 8:20 PM
At the Democratic convention, Bill Clinton accused Republicans of fabricating a “cartoon alternative” to the real Hillary Clinton. The Washington Monthly’s Martin Longman claims that Democrats don’t need to create cartoon versions of conservatives since there’s already “something cartoonish about the right,” and in that regard Donald Trump “seems like a natural successor” to Sarah Palin and (wait…