
'The View' Defends CNN Using Elmo to Push Anti-Travel Ban Propaganda
June 29th, 2017 3:10 PM
Just days after the Supreme Court passed through a watered-down version of President Trump’s temporary “travel ban,” CNN put out a Facebook Live video with Elmo from Sesame Street talking about the plight of Syrian refugees. In the video, CNN journalists are shown sympathetically asking Elmo about his experience visiting a refugee camp in an obvious attempt to spin an anti-Trump message to kids.…

Steyn Mocks Acosta as a Drama Queen, Cooper Saving Earth with Elmo
June 29th, 2017 3:07 PM
Having a bad day? Well, you’ve come to the right place. On Wednesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight, conservative pundit Mark Steyn hysterically dismantled CNN’s Russia coverage, arguing it was worse than their Malaysian plane coverage and the only plot twist left is for “Anderson Cooper and Elmo in the CNN space ship” to save “Earth...from the rupture in the space time continuum.”

WashPost: PBS Budget Was Cut Because ‘Sesame Street’ Mocked Trump
March 21st, 2017 12:44 AM
Following the release of President Donald Trump’s new federal budget last week, the liberal media was up in arms that Trump would dare to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. On Sunday, a CNN anchor asked the MRC’s Dan Gainor if it was “conservative revenge.” But The Washington Post on Monday had an even more ridiculous explanation. “Trump wants to defund PBS. ‘Sesame Street’ brutally…

Hollywood Honors Elmo Puppeteer (and Accused Child Sex-Abuser) With Th
June 17th, 2013 4:01 PM
It’s official: the Hollywood elite has zero moral authority in attacking sexual abuse of minors that occurred decades ago in the Catholic Church. This weekend, the voters of the Daytime Emmy awards granted three Emmys to Clash, including the trophy for Outstanding Performer In a Children’s Series to Kevin Clash, recently accused of serial sexual pursuit of teenaged boys.
AP reported it, and…

Is Elmo Damaged Christmas Goods
December 6th, 2012 8:08 AM
TV Guide asks this question after the Kevin Clash sex scandal inside Sesame Street: "Is Elmo a No-Go?" They noticed that Hasbro's mid-November press release on its "must-have" toys only has a new "Flying Super Grover 2.0" doll, and no Elmo merchandise.
"This motion-activated Super Grover 2.0 character comes to life when kids pick him up and 'fly' him around the room," Hasbro promised. "His…

CNN Asks Elmo to Solve Partisan Crisis
October 25th, 2011 4:55 PM
CNN's Erin Burnett implored Sesame Street's Elmo on Monday to "solve the world's problem right now" in an interview at the end of her new prime-time evening show.

WaPo Editor Shocked by Opposition to No Radish Left Behind
December 28th, 2010 10:04 AM
How could anyone oppose big government activism when both Michelle Obama and Elmo the Muppet favor it? It was unfathomable to Washington Post Editorial Page Editor Fred Hiatt in his December 26 article 'How did obesity become a partisan fight?'
To a doctrinaire liberal like Hiatt, it's illegitimate to question whether government should be concerned with personal nutrition. Instead, he…