EJ Dionne

Bethany Mandel Nails an Abortion Point on Liberal NPR
May 11th, 2019 6:39 PM
National Public Radio has been rotating pundits for its Week In Politics roundup in recent months on its evening newscast All Things Considered. Sitting in the "David Brooks chair" on Friday was writer Bethany Mandel (@Bethanyshondark on Twitter). It's encouraging when the conservative half of a public-broadcasting panel actually sounds like a conservative.

How Much Is NPR's 'All Things Considered' Just 'One Thing Considered'?
September 22nd, 2018 1:16 PM
Here's a Saturday "parlor game" for political junkies. Guess which statement on NPR's "Week in Politics" segment on Friday night's so-called All Things Considered comes from the supposed liberal/Democrat pundit, and which comes from the supposed conservative/Republican pundit. This can be pretty tricky, since they sound very, very similar.

NPR's Dionne: Next, Trump Will Name Mexican Kingpin to Run the DEA
December 11th, 2016 9:14 AM
National Public Radio likes to think it's about civility (not rudeness) and real news (not fake news). But when it comes to Donald Trump, on Friday night NPR became the promoter of a rude and disparaging joke on All Things Considered. Washington Post columnist and NPR contributor E. J. Dionne passed along a joke from unfunny leftist Andy Borowitz in The New Yorker: that Trump's picks were so…

WashPost: Finally! Journalists Taking Heat for Being Too Right-Wing
September 20th, 2016 5:32 PM
Washington Post columnist E.J.Dionne on Monday cheered that journalists are finally taking heat for being too sensitive to the complaints of liberal media bias. No, seriously. Dionne insisted that, since the days of Spiro Agnew, “reporters, editors and producers have incessantly looked over their right shoulders, fearing they’d be assailed as secret carriers of the liberal virus.”

MSNBC Panel Desperately Tries to Minimize Democrats 2015 Losses
November 5th, 2015 11:27 AM
On Wednesday night’s Last Word, MSNBC’s Alex Wagner introduced the broadcast by complaining that despite President Obama “riding the political wave of political success” “the Democratic Party just got a brutal reality check” in the 2015 elections. The MSNBC host and liberal Washington Post columnist EJ Dionne repeatedly tried to downplay the bad night for Democrats and chalked it up to low voter…
WashPost Writer: Hillary Has 'Plenty of Reasons to Mistrust the Press'
July 14th, 2015 12:03 PM
Hillary Clinton has "plenty of reasons to mistrust the press," that according to a Washington Post columnist. E.J.Dionne appeared on Monday's Last Word he lectured: "I think she is too cautious with the press to say the least. And, while she got plenty of reason to mistrust the press, that does not do you much good." Given the extremely friendly coverage to both Clinton and Obama, it's hard to…

E.J. Dionne: Bush Running Is 'Delicious,' Can Be GOP 'Change Agent'
December 17th, 2014 10:51 AM
On Tuesday, former Republican Governor of Florida Jeb Bush announced that he is considering running for president in 2016 and that night liberal Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne predictably had a field day with the announcement. Appearing on MSNBC’s The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell on Tuesday night, Dionne proclaimed “the irony here is, it`s almost a delicious irony, is that Jeb Bush,…
MSNBC Panelist In Response to ObamaCare Rulings: ‘Judicial Activism
July 23rd, 2014 1:30 PM
The MSNBC freak-out continued following the surprising split rulings regarding the federal ObamaCare health insurance exchanges. The 2-1 DC circuit court decision determined that, consistent with the text in the law, subsidies must come from state insurance exchanges as opposed to federal ones. The panel was appalled that the court could possibly come to such a conclusion, while at the same…

Washington Post’s Ignatius Hails Obama’s Nimble Contraception Poli
February 12th, 2012 3:26 PM
“I was struck looking at this,” Washington Post columnist and former foreign editor David Ignatius expressed on ABC’s This Week in admiring how Barack Obama on Friday adjusted the contraception mandate, hailing “the ability to do a do-over quickly” since the administration was not “done deaf” and “they did make changes and this is now a policy that you can defend.”
Unaddressed, how it’s just…
WaPo Writers, Mostly Libs, in Lockstop With Romney's 'Command' of GOP
October 13th, 2011 1:33 PM
Early this morning, I noted how two AP writers seemed to be hoping that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney will be the Republican Party's presidential nominee, in the process ignoring inconvenient facts like his failure to get over 25% in any poll covered at Real Clear Politics since mid-July while failing to even mention Herman Cain's name until the report's eleventh paragraph (a…

Tapper’s Liberal Friends Accept Romney, Dionne Sees Liberal Hypocris
October 2nd, 2011 1:39 PM
Three comments that caught my attention on the Sunday morning interview shows:
> ABC News White House reporter Jake Tapper recounted that whenever he has dinner with liberal friends “you can hear them making their peace with Romney,” saying “‘he seems centrist,’ or ‘you know, he’d be good at jobs,’” so “that's a problem for President Obama.”
> On the killing of terrorist Anwar al-…

MRC Study: Media Protecting 'Food Stamp President' Obama By Ignoring G
June 8th, 2011 1:15 PM
In the '80s the liberal media filled the airwaves with tales of woe from the homeless as a way to distract viewers from the runaway success of Reaganomics. In the 2000s, the same media chatted with one frustrated gas station customer after another to slam then-President George W. Bush.
However in 2011, with over 44 million Americans on food stamps, a new high according to the latest data…