Chris Rugaber

AP Fact Checks Cory Booker Boasting About Minimum Wage
August 21st, 2020 1:29 PM
As Jazz Shaw at Hot Air pointed out, the AP Fact Check team has flagged another Democrat convention speech, this time Senator Cory "Spartacus" Booker's minimum wage remarks on Thursday night

AP on Record-Low Black Jobless Rate: 'Taking Chances' on the 'Ignored'
June 3rd, 2018 7:36 AM
In his coverage of Friday morning's stellar jobs report, the Associated Press's Chris Rugaber came up with a couple of doozies aimed at curbing readers' enthusiasm. The AP economics writer half-expected that employers would rein in their hiring over confrontational rhetoric President Donald Trump and other foreign leaders have recently engaged in over trade and tariffs. He also implausibly framed…

Evening News Shows Fail to Note Record Low Black Jobless Rate
January 12th, 2018 10:23 AM
On Tuesday, Julia Seymour at NewsBusters reported that the Friday evening news shows on all three networks spent a few seconds noting the government's somewhat disappointing but hardly alarming job-creation number for December (148,000 seasonally adjusted payroll jobs) reported earlier that day. Seymour observed that "Those same news programs (have) often underreported good economic news in the…

AP's Rugaber Lowers the Bar For Unemployment Claims by Raising the 'St
January 23rd, 2012 2:54 PM
Two examples of poor press handling of what initially appeared to be fairly good news about initial unemployment claims last Thursday got lost in the pre-South Carolina primary hubbub.
The first and most obvious was in the writeup presented by the Associated Press's Chris Rugaber. In his fourth paragraph, he raised the threshold below which a consistent level of weekly claims might be…