
CBS Reporter Pushes Back on ‘Extreme Language’ of Sotomayor Dissent

July 6th, 2024 10:26 PM

On the latest episode of the PBS political roundtable Washington Week with The Atlantic, host (and Atlantic editor in chief) Jeffrey Goldberg set up New York Times legal reporter Charlie Savage about the “future of presidential power” after the 6-3 ruling expanded presidential immunity and had the knock-on effect of postponing Trump’s classified documents trial and his…

NYT Laments Biden Docs-Fostered Political Woes: 'Worst of All Worlds'

February 11th, 2024 9:19 AM

After a busy news day Thursday, a blooming Biden scandal made Friday’s front page via White House correspondent Michael Shear’s “news analysis,” “In Biden’s Exoneration, Political Hazard Emerges,” with the subhead “Prosecutor’s Report on Records Case Cites Memory Lapses.” Shear sounded regretful that special counsel Robert Hur’s report on Biden’s mishandling of classified documents may damage…


PBS Downplays Weak Trump Charges, Pushes Neo-Nazi, White Power Threats

April 8th, 2023 6:50 AM

Former President Trump was arrested on 34 felony counts of bookkeeping fraud involving hush money and appeared in a Manhattan courtroom on Tuesday, as everyone in the world knows. PBS made the most out of the case, devoting a half hour of its evening “news hour” to multiple angles on the indictment. The dubious charges by New York district attorney Alvin Bragg involve years-old allegations…

NYT: Failed Mueller Probe Noble, Durham’s Mere ‘Fodder for Grievances'

October 23rd, 2022 11:34 AM

New York Times legal reporter Charlie Savage and the paper’s official fact-checker Linda Qiu teamed up on Wednesday’s front page to cover the acquittal of Igor Danchenko for lying to the FBI in “Russian Analyst for Trump Dossier Acquitted of Lying to the FBI.” For the Times, it was a golden opportunity to again bash special counsel John Durham’s investigation into how the FBI…

NYT Hates Court EPA Ruling: A ‘Civilized Society’ Without Regulation?

July 2nd, 2022 10:10 PM

The front of Friday’s New York Times featured dismayed coverage of another conservative-pleasing ruling from the Supreme Court, this one reining in the Environmental Protection Agency. First up, legal reporter Charlie Savage’s “E.P.A. Ruling Is Milestone in Long Pushback to Regulation of Business.” 

Supreme Court beat reporter Adam Liptak also made his opinion clear in Friday’…


NY Times Cyber Reporter Caught in Trump-Spying Time Warp

February 20th, 2022 8:13 AM

Liberal journalists on Friday rallied around a New York Times article by Charlie Savage titled "Durham Distances Himself From Furor in Right-Wing Media Over Filing." Like a good Democrat, Savage spun that Durham "distanced himself on Thursday from false reports by right-wing news outlets that a motion he recently filed said Hillary Clinton’s campaign had paid to spy on Trump White…


MSNBC Trashes ‘Dangerous Disinformation’ From Conservatives on Durham

February 17th, 2022 3:02 PM

Deadline: White House provided MSNBC late Wednesday afternoon with only the third mention of the bombshell revelation from Special Counsel John Durham on alleged spying against the Trump campaign and early presidency, but they predictably used 16 minutes and 10 seconds to dismiss it as “dangerous disinformation” peddled by “right-wing media.”

Editor’s Pick: Townhall on NYT’s Lame Excuse for Not Covering Durham

February 15th, 2022 10:28 AM

On Tuesday, Townhall Managing Editor Spencer Brown reported on the leftist media refusing to cover the latest bombshells in the John Durham investigation: “In what was apparently another example of the mainstream media’s selection bias clouding its judgement and causing it not to cover stories that are negative about their pals in the Democrat party, the usual suspects were oddly silent on the…

Desperate NYTimes Defends Russiagate Probe Despite Discredited Dossier

December 2nd, 2021 1:03 PM

Charlie Savage, national security and legal policy correspondent for the New York Times, played defense on behalf of the now-discredited “Steele dossier” that led to the first Trump impeachment, in Thursday’s “Discredited Steele Dossier Doesn't Undercut Russia Inquiry.” The infamous tissue of rumors and lies that would foster the false “collusion”-with-Russia narrative was put…

NYT SCOTUS Hypocrisy: Barrett’s ‘Deflection,’ Kagan 'Sticks to Script'

October 16th, 2020 1:05 PM

As Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court moves briskly forward, the New York Times which has already demonstrated stark labeling bias when discussing Barrett’s supporters and her opponents conservatives-to-liberal labeling disparity in previous stories, led off its Wednesday issue with petulance. The subhead of one lead story, from Supreme Court beat reporter Adam Liptak…

NY Times Sees (Democratic) ‘Piles of Evidence’ vs. (GOP) ‘Scorn’

January 23rd, 2020 2:40 PM
“News analysis” is a euphemism in the New York Times (and other papers) for “editorial we want on the front page.” On Thursday, the paper echoed the hacky excitement shown by CNN and others over the Democratic impeachment managers. Here’s the headline from Thursday’s “news analysis”:

Excited NYT: Could Trump's Mean Tweet Be Witness Tampering? (No)

November 17th, 2019 6:14 PM
The New York Times offered up a silly time-waster of a “news analysis” from Charlie Savage and Michael Shear in Saturday’s paper, one that elevated Trump’s mean tweets about former Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch to “witness tampering" They huffed: “President Trump on Friday attacked Marie L. Yovanovitch, the former United States ambassador to Ukraine he summarily removed this year, even as…

NYTimes Savages Barr: AG ‘Deliberately Fueling Conspiracy Theories'?

May 19th, 2019 1:24 PM
The New York Times was mightily miffed by Attorney General William Barr daring to call spying by its proper name before the Senate Judiciary Committee. In Saturday’s Times, legal reporter Charlie Savage savaged the attorney general in “Barr Again Questions Russia Inquiry, Siding More Closely With Trump.” Savage was suffused with suspicion toward Barr, portraying his motives as partisan. Savage’s…

NYT Turns on Assange: From 'Gift of Information' to 'Dubious Judgment'

April 12th, 2019 8:04 PM
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested, and the front page of Friday’s New York Times featured Scott Shane and Steven Erlanger’s recap of Assange and the effect of his leaking of classified national security information (and Democratic Party secrets) in “A Divisive Prophet of the Public’s Right to Know.” The paper noticed that the tide of sophisticated opinion, once favorable to the…