Candice Choi

'Intentions Are Pure'? Starbucks-USAT Race Test Demonstrates Otherwise
March 21st, 2015 11:49 PM
The Associated Press's most recent story on the controversial Starbucks USA Today "Race Together" campaign came out Wednesday evening.
In that story, AP Food Industry Writer Candice Choi quoted Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz at his company's annual shareholders' meeting predicting that "Some in the media will criticize Starbucks for having a political agenda," but that "Our intentions are pure."…

Detroit TV Station Lets Ridiculous Claim That McDonalds 'Made Like
August 30th, 2013 7:02 AM
Vickie Thomas and the news department at Detroit TV station WWJ really ought to be ashamed of themselves. The open question is whether they even know enough to be ashamed.
In reporting on a Motor City McDonald's store which was forced to close — whether it was for a few hours or all day and night isn't disclosed — Thomas quoted a "protester" claiming that "McDonald’s made like $500 billion…

AP Report on Latest Hostess Asset Sale Tags the Wrong Union With Blame
March 22nd, 2013 11:33 PM
I don't know whether AP Food Industry Writer Candice Choi misidentified the union responsible for the final demise of Hostess late last year deliberately or out of ignorance.
But in the final five paragraphs of her report on the company's sale of several of its best-known brands to two investment groups, Choi definitely blew it (bolds are mine throughout this post):

AP Report on Student Loans Exaggerates Potential Scope of Just-Averted
June 30th, 2012 8:54 PM
From the headlines to the verbiage in many establishment press write-ups, it would be easy to believe that the just-resolved controversy over interest rates on student loans affects virtually everyone in college who has borrowed money and anyone who graduated (or didn't) who borrowed and is still owes Uncle Sam.
That isn't so. To cite just one example, readers of Christine Armario's Saturday…
AP's Choi Fails to Identify the Law, the President, or the Political P
October 3rd, 2011 1:01 AM
If you only read Thursday's coverage of Bank of America's decision to impose a $5 monthly debit card fee by Associated Press Personal Finance Writer Candice Choi, you would have no idea that last year's "Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act" triggered BofA's decision. The legislation gave the Federal Reserve the power to limit debit card interchange fees. The Fed's limit…