New Republic Writer: Knee-Jerk Bergdahl-Bashing Has Left 'Bloodthirsty

June 7th, 2014 6:08 AM
Watch your backsides, conservatives, because your vituperative, ill-considered criticism of both Bowe Bergdahl and the deal that freed him from the Taliban may come back to bite you. That was the main message from Brian Beutler in his Thursday post on the New Republic's website. Beutler argued that the compulsively anti-Obama right's inclination to believe that "a massive scandal must be…

The Moral Conundrum Facing Left-wing Extremists If the Obamacare Websi

November 26th, 2013 3:07 AM
The title is borrowed from a post by Salon’s Brian Beutler that addresses what he calls the moral conundrum facing right-wing extremists when the Obamacare website starts working. Buetler, who in a previous post reveals he is not only an Obamacare supporter but a user, appears to be painting himself into a corner by speaking of when, rather than if, the site works. Since he assumes the…

Liberal Bloggers Try to Make the Case That Obamacare Can Still Work

November 20th, 2013 12:40 PM
By most pundits’ reckoning, Obamacare is in serious trouble. Another poll is out today, this one from CBS News, and the findings provide no relief for the administration or its defenders. Just the opposite. Obama’s poll ratings are down and so are the numbers for his sole major legislative achievement, his healthcare law: