Boyce Watkins

Cornel West Scolds Al Sharpton: 'Tell the Truth About the White House
February 8th, 2012 4:31 PM
Princeton professor and civil rights activist Cornel West, in an interview with Diverse magazine, had some harsh words for MSNBC's Al Sharpton.
"Tell the truth about the White House":
MSNBC Slams Rand Paul: Eight Segments Totaling 37 Minutes Attacking th
May 20th, 2010 5:09 PM
MSNBC on Thursday went on the offensive against Republican and Tea Party favorite Rand Paul. In a single day, the cable network devoted 37 minutes over eight segments to implying that the Senate candidate might be a racist. Each piece featured a clip of Paul's appearance on Wednesday's Rachel Maddow program in which the MSNBC host suggested the libertarian candidate would tolerate bigotry because…
Al Sharpton Radio Show: Fox, Rush 'Setting Off a Lot of Crazy People
April 24th, 2010 7:54 AM
Rush Limbaugh's "war of words" with Bill Clinton over Clinton's bad rerun of blaming the Oklahoma City bombing on conservative talk shows caused a discussion of the ignorant racists who watch Fox News Channel on the Al Sharpton radio show. On Monday, the anniversary of the horrific act of domestic terrorism, Reverend Al asked for the counsel of his friend Dr. Boyce Watkins, a left-wing professor…
Rush to Racism – Media Stunned that a Black Woman Could Win Over Lim
February 1st, 2010 11:43 PM
Once again some members of the media have taken to branding Rush Limbaugh a racist, offering backhanded compliments and genuine surprise that a black woman could have won the Miss America contest whilst he served as judge. As Boyce Watkins lamented in his Black Voices article, (emphasis mine throughout):"This week, Rush Limbaugh was standing in front of a talented black woman who was trying to…
CNN Uses Rick Sanchez Program to Hammer O’Reilly Story
October 1st, 2007 4:57 PM
CNN has highlighted the Media Matters-driven spin on Bill O’Reilly’s race remarks on his radio program since the beginning of the week, and has specifically used "Out in the Open" program, hosted by Rick Sanchez, to carry the water on the subject Monday through Friday of last week."Out in the Open" first did a segment on the O’Reilly issue on Monday, at the bottom of the 8 pm Eastern hour.…
On CNN, O’Reilly Is ‘Ahmadinejad,’ Juan Williams, ‘Happy Negro
September 26th, 2007 3:24 PM
Even after the Juan Williams "idiots at CNN" rebuke, CNN still pressed on about Bill O’Reilly’s race remarks, and a guest on Wednesday’s "Newsroom" took the language being used against O’Reilly and Williams to new lows. Syracuse University professor and blogger Boyce Watkins appeared on the CNN program, and compared O’Reilly to a murderous movie villain and to Iranian tyrant Ahmadinejad. "If the…