Bill Neely

CBS Evening News Out To Lunch On ISIS-Inspired Attack In Germany
July 19th, 2016 11:55 PM
On Monday and Tuesday, CBS Evening News failed to cover the ISIS-inspired knife and ax attack by an Afghan refugee on train passengers in Germany. Instead, the newscast ended on Tuesday with a report on the celebrities who condemned Donald Trump for walking out to Queen's "We Are The Champions" at the Republican National Convention on Monday. NBC Nightly News covered the Islamist terrorism with…

NBC Uses Assad Interview to Harp on Trump's Inexperience, Muslim Ban
July 14th, 2016 7:34 PM
NBC News foreign correspondent Bill Neely interviewed Syrian President and brutal dictator Bashar Al-Assad that began airing on Wednesday night and, somehow, large portions of the hour-long special were dedicated to harping on Donald Trump’s candidacy, if his lack of foreign policy experience concerned Assad and if his Muslim ban hurt his feelings.

Shh! ABC Quiet on Obama’s Botched Effort to Sway Brexit
June 24th, 2016 3:44 PM
All three morning shows on Friday led with the “stunning” vote by Britain to exit the European Union, a move that is “rocking” the world. Yet, only ABC’s Good Morning America ignored the inconvenient fact that Barack Obama tried and failed to influence the vote this past spring. On CBS This Morning, Charlie Rose reminded, “President Obama visited in April and urged voters to stay in Europe.”
CBS, NBC Again Refuse to Criticize Obama on ISIS After Fall of Ramadi
May 18th, 2015 8:54 PM
CBS and NBC continued their refusal on Monday evening to criticize the Obama administration’s handing of Iraq and so-called policy on ISIS as the Islamic terror group seized control of Ramadi over the weekend. While those two networks continued to spin for the White House, ABC bucked the trend from the network morning newscasts by providing a blunt critique of the Obama administration for “…
NBC, ABC Censor Hebdo Cover, But Tout it As 'Declaration of Defiance'
January 14th, 2015 2:37 PM
Reporting on the release of Charlie Hebdo's first issue since the January 7 terrorist attack, NBC's Today and ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday refused to show the cover of the satirical magazine that depicted a cartoon image of Mohamed. Despite such censorship, both networks touted the publication as "a triumph for free speech" and "a kind of declaration of defiance against terror."
ABC, CBS Won’t Explicitly Cite Hamas For Ending Cease-Fire; Labeled
August 8th, 2014 3:25 PM
During Friday morning’s coverage of the 72-hour cease-fire ending in Gaza, ABC and CBS refused to explicitly acknowledge Hamas as the party responsible for ending the cease-fire with Israel. Instead, those two networks referred to those responsible only as “militants” or “Palestinian militants” firing rockets at Israel.
NBC’s Today did cite Hamas as the side responsible for terminating the…

World Cup Media Partner ABC Downplays Violent Protests on 'World News
June 12th, 2014 10:43 PM
All three major broadcast networks devoted stories to the opening of the World Cup today in Rio de Janeiro, but ABC's business interests arguably got in the way of objective reporting. ABC and her sister ESPN networks are, after all the exclusive "media rights licensees" to carry World Cup matches in the United States.
Reporting from Rio, ABC's Paula Faris devoted just one fleeting reference…

Networks Minimize Coverage of Anti-Socialist Protests in Venezuela
February 21st, 2014 10:02 PM
ABC, CBS, and NBC have largely punted in covering the protests against the leftist government in Venezuela. Since Monday, only NBC Nightly News has devoted a full report on the demonstrations in the South American country. Altogether, NBC has aired just over two minutes of reporting on the story. Brian Williams also stood out for explicitly mentioning the political ideology of the regime: "Many…