Ben Wedeman

PBS Warmth for Hezbollah: Nasrallah ‘Famous For His Sense of Humor'
Amanpour & Co. covered Israel’s bravura anti-terrorist tactic of rerigging and then mass-detonating communication gear (pages and walkie-talkies) used by the Iran-based terrorist group Hezbollah, killing and maiming thousands of terrorists. Israel was acting in response to Hezbollah firing rockets from its base in Lebanon since Hamas carried out its invasion and civilian rape and…

CNNers Try to Equivocate Hamas Horror, Blames Jews for No Gaza Shelter
On Thursday, CNN had a number of horribly pro-Hamas moments from both correspondents and guests, including an insane insinuation that Israel was to blame for Gazans not having bomb shelters and attempts to equivocate the work of a terrorist organization in Hamas with Israeli air strikes.

CNN Implies Hungary's Orban Will Launch a Second Holocaust
With Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban speaking at CPAC in Texas on Thursday, CNN ran a segment on Thursday morning’s New Day which took Orban’s recent controversial comments that “we do not want to become peoples of mixed race” and ran with them, heavily implying that Orban would unleash a second Holocaust on the world if Hungary’s economy slips into a recession.

'CNN Shame On You' Signs Appear in Cairo

Egyptian Military Takes Away CNN Camera During Live Broadcast

CNN Compares Vatican City 'Men's Club' to Saudi Arabia