Ben Affleck

Univision: Hello Fellow Latinos, It's Ben Affleck
February 25th, 2020 10:33 AM
Univision, now seemingly convinced that politicians were not persuasive enough to swing the Latino vote in their favor, resorted to searching for someone in Hollywood who could. Unfortunately for them, the only person available was Ben Affleck.

Syfy's 'Incorporated' Creates Anti-Business Global Warming Fantasy
December 3rd, 2016 3:56 PM
The new original anti-business drama Incorporated premiered this week on the Syfy network. Produced by Hollywood lefties Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, it’s a liberal polemic preaching about the dangers of eeeeevil multinational corporations, capitalism, and global warming disguised as trendy, futuristic, post-apocalyptic entertainment.

Batman vs. Superman Stars Unite For Liberal Causes
March 30th, 2016 12:25 PM
Batman might be fighting Superman at your local cinema, but the movie’s writers and actors are politically united behind the left. Together, they gave $58,000 to liberal PACs and Democrats since 2002, but not a cent to Republicans. Actor Ben Affleck was the biggest liberal donor involved with the film.

CBS Skips Email Dump...Except Hillary's 'Quirky' Notes on Lady Gaga
November 1st, 2015 4:41 PM
CBS had no time on Friday night for the latest dump of Hillary Clinton e-mails, but they played cute on their website with a slide show about “7 quirky emails on Hillary Clinton's server.”
In the introduction, they reported: “The latest release contained over 7,000 pages of emails with about 200 to 300 of those emails marked as classified.” CBS didn't find it worth mentioning Hillary told the…

Ben Affleck's Ego Causes PBS Show Delay...or Cancellation
June 24th, 2015 8:25 PM
Congratulations Ben Affleck! Your bloated ego has caused the delay and very possible cancellation of the PBS show Finding Your Roots according to a Daily Variety article by Brian Steinburg. The fact that your precious ego couldn't handle the revelation that one of your ancestors of many generations in the past and over 150 years ago was a slave owner has ultimately led to a bunch of production…

Bozell & Graham Column: Ben Affleck Makes a Scandal for PBS
April 25th, 2015 8:04 AM
The North Korean e-mail hack of Sony continues to haunt Hollywood. The leftist group WikiLeaks recently posted a searchable set of the documents and the London Daily Mail found a new scandal subject: Ben Affleck....and PBS.
Featured on the show Finding Your Roots, Affleck demanded (and got) the censorship of a slave-holder in his family tree, creating a scandal for the public-broadcasting…

Comcast's Syfy Approves Pilot for Affleck-Damon Corporate Tyranny Show
April 8th, 2015 11:54 AM
Last October, we relayed that the NBCUniversal-owned Syfy cable network made a development deal with leftist actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for a corporate-dystopia series called “Incorporated.” Now The Hollywood Reporter is offering an update: Syfy has greenlighted the making of a pilot episode.
Corporate leftists demonstrate a surprising capacity for hypocrisy. The Syfy press release –…

NYT's Kristof Shows Numerical Incoherence to Promote Islam's Diversity
October 9th, 2014 10:56 PM
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof twisted numbers and lowered the moral bar while trying to prove "The Diversity of Islam." Kristof had a bit part in the now-famous rumble between actor Ben Affleck and the liberal atheist host Bill Maher on Maher's HBO show Real Time, with Affleck accusing Maher of racism for his hard criticism of Islam's intolerance and violence, and Kristof predictably…

Bozell & Graham Column: Bill Maher vs. Chris Hayes
October 7th, 2014 11:02 PM
Bill Maher is no one’s idea of a disinterested scholar on religion. He’s long been the loudest, most obnoxious barroom brawler for atheism. What makes his argument toxic is that it isn't an intellectual defense of atheism. It is a sophomoric, boorish attack on religion, wholly dependent on yuk-yuk lines. These attacks have drawn little attention of late, perhaps because he's so predictable, but…

CBS Defends Ben Affleck Following Battle With Bill Maher
October 6th, 2014 10:03 AM
On Friday night, Ben Affleck appeared on Real Time w/ Bill Maher and participated in a heated debate with fellow liberal Bill Maher over radical Islam’s influence on the Muslim world. Following the highly contentious fight, Monday’s CBS This Morning did its best to defend Affleck, portraying him as a well-respected liberal who “is known not only as an actor and Oscar-winning producer but also as …
Williams Defends Softball Ben Affleck Interview During Facebook Q&A
October 2nd, 2014 6:29 PM
NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams conducted a question and answer session on Facebook following Wednesday night’s program and defended his over 4-minute-long interview with actor and activist Ben Affleck that aired on Tuesday night after a woman asked him why such an interview would air “promoting his new movie on a hard news show.”
Williams responded by equating his show to a newspaper in…

Affleck to NBC: U.S. Should Send Foreign Aid to Detroit
October 1st, 2014 3:36 PM
Oscar-winner Ben Affleck told NBC’s Brian Williams that the city of Detroit would be a more deserving recipient of U.S. foreign aid than the countries currently receiving funds. Affleck discussed several of his new film roles in an interview broadcast on “Nightly News” Sept. 30, including his leading role in the Batman movie being filmed in Detroit because of its “post-apocalyptic” feel,…
NBC Runs Puff Piece on Ben Affleck, But Nothing on Midterms, Hong Kong
October 1st, 2014 12:05 AM
On Tuesday night, NBC Nightly News concluded its program by pushing an over four-minute-long fawning segment on Hollywood actor and activist Ben Affleck that included banter between anchor Brian Williams and Affleck on New York and Boston sports teams, gushing over Affleck’s life and “restless mind,” and his disappointment about the United States “nation-building elsewhere” when it should be …
Lauer Lectures Media: 'Don't Jump to Conclusions'...Like NBC
September 29th, 2014 5:10 PM
In an interview with Ben Affleck on Monday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer observed that the actor's new murder mystery thriller Gone Girl was "a little hostile to the institution of the media." Affleck agreed but reassured Lauer: "Yeah, it's not media broadly. It's not you guys or The New York Times or even the news. It's about that stripe of media that's the sort of the cable, 24-hour, 'Who…