Anthony Weiner

NYT: Anthony Weiner Is ‘Almost Shakespearean’ Thanks to Documentary
May 16th, 2016 1:02 PM
Touting a soon-to-be-released documentary about scandal-ridden New York Democrat Anthony Weiner, Michael M. Grynbaum parroted in Sunday’s New York Times claims from filmmaker Elyse Steinberg that the life of their subject has been “almost Shakespearean” with his rise and fall due to his well-documented urges to trade sexually explicit text messages with women that aren’t his wife.

ABC: ‘Bombshell’ Weiner Doc Comes at ‘Worst Time’ for Hillary
May 12th, 2016 12:00 PM
In a surprising twist, ABC’s Good Morning America on Thursday hyped the “bombshell” documentary on Anthony Weiner and Hillary Clinton’s aide, Huma Abedin. Yet, the tone of the Jon Karl segment was worried. The reporter fretted, “This documentary with extraordinary behind-the-scenes footage dredging it all up again at the worst possible time for Hillary Clinton and her closest aide.”

Burger King Fries Weiner
February 13th, 2016 2:37 PM
Burger King has delivered perhaps the wittiest Twitter reply ever by a fast food company. It came in response to Anthony Weiner who tweeted about the news that Snoop Dogg will appear in a Burger King training video teaching employees how to cook hot dogs. I don't want to give the hilarious Burger King punchline away so read it for yourself and enjoy yet another laugh at the expense of Weiner who…

Bring Back the Jokes: 'Weiner' Documentary to Be Released
January 19th, 2016 12:14 PM
Just when you thought all those Weiner jokes of a few years ago had finally petered out... They're coming back!!! Comedians around the country will be overjoyed to know that there will be new life in the Weiner jokes that practically write themselves with the upcoming release of Weiner the documentary.
Although most of us will relish the thought of yet more Weiner laughs, there are some who will…
Fallon Zings Weiner on Hillary’s E-Mails, Biden for Geography Gaffe
September 4th, 2015 11:30 AM
Bringing some humor to the Hillary Clinton e-mail scandal and 2016 election, NBC’s Jimmy Fallon joked during his on monologue on Thursday’s Tonight Show about Anthony Weiner and another gaffe by Vice President Joe Biden that had him once again including China as part of North America.
NewsBusted: Thanks, But No Thanks, for the Endorsement, Tony
April 16th, 2015 9:58 PM
"Hillary Clinton officially announced her candidacy on Twitter. And here’s hoping Anthony Weiner will NOT be endorsing her on Instagram!" -- Jodi Miller.

Former Enablers at NYT Ignore Weiner's Hint at Comeback Attempt, Criti
December 27th, 2013 9:29 AM
On April 10, the New York Times almost singlehandedly revived the political career of disgraced Anthony Weiner with an 8,300-word profile of the former Congressman, his wife, and their baby boy Jonathan. Clay Waters at NewsBusters noted shortly thereafter that Jonathan van Meter's profile, which revealed Weiner's intention to become a candidate in New York City's mayoral race while somehow…

Daily Beast’s Cottle on Anthony Weiner: ‘His Penis Is Still a Nati
September 8th, 2013 5:01 PM
NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday actually interviewed disgraced New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner.
This led Daily Beast columnist Michelle Cottle to smartly observe on Fox News’s Media Buzz, “While as a Congressman he wasn't that great, and as a mayoral candidate he’s down in the polls, his penis is still a national celebrity” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

WashPost Style Section Actually Does Decent Profile of Libertarian Com
August 8th, 2013 3:59 PM
As regular readers of NewsBusters are well aware, the Washington Post's Style section has a habit of frequently ginning up puffy human-interest stories about all kinds of liberal politicians and celebrities. It's rare that they do a positive profile of a conservative or libertarian.
So it's worth pointing out when they do just that. In a 26-paragraph profile, Post staff writer Megan McDonough…

ABC Ignores Anthony Weiner's Mocking of GOP 'Grandpa' at AARP Event
August 7th, 2013 4:29 PM
ABC's Good Morning America, which first covered the Anthony Weiner sexting scandal by ignoring that the politician was a Democrat, did grow to embrace the tawdry aspects of the story. Yet, the morning show on Wednesday avoided he mayoral candidate's latest gaffe: Calling his Republican opponent "grandpa" at an AARP candidate forum. NBC's Today and CBS This Morning both managed to highlight the…

Daily Beast: Cut Weiner a Break, America, Teens Sext All the Time
August 7th, 2013 2:44 PM
Parents can hardly criticize New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner for his latest sexting escapade when their teens commit the same deed (and have done so for years) – or so says The Daily Beast.
The Daily Beast’s Lizzie Crocker agonized over the conundrum, asking, “In the wake of Anthony Weiner's latest sexting scandal, one question has emerged that’s particularly tough to answer: How…

Lindsay Lohan Thanks Bieber, Kanye and Weiner for Keeping Tabloids Bus
August 6th, 2013 11:40 AM
Lindsay Lohan’s out of rehab, and she welcomed herself back to America by substitute-hosting E! network’s Chelsea Lately Monday.
During her opening monologue, Lohan thanked Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Anthony Weiner, and the Royal Baby for keeping the tabloids busy in her absence.

Shameless: People Mag Takes Another Turn As Huma Abedin's Journalistic
August 4th, 2013 2:59 PM
One might think People magazine would be embarrassed at how it was used as an early campaign brochure for Anthony Weiner in 2012, as his wife Huma Abedin tragi-comically proclaimed, "It took a lot of work to get to where are are today, but I want people to know we're a normal family." Yeah, right.
But here is People again, shamelessly selling Huma and her “very strong moral character” in an…

Meredith Vieira: ‘If My Husband Was Sexting I’d Cut It Off
August 3rd, 2013 2:22 PM
Former NBC Today show host Meredith Vieira channeled her inner Lorena Bobbitt Friday night.
Appearing on NBC’s Tonight Show, in a discussion about embattled New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner, Vieira said, “If my husband was sexting, I’d cut it off” (video follows with commentary):