PolitiFact Slaps False Label On Johnson's Criticism Of Columbia

April 30th, 2024 1:17 PM

Amid the encampment at Columbia University, PolitiFact slapped the “false” label on Speaker Mike Johnson on Monday for declaring that the school advised Jewish students to stay away from campus. The only problem is that Johnson never explicitly claimed…

WashPost 'Fact Checker' Aids Biden, Throws 4 More Pinocchios at Trump

April 29th, 2024 4:00 PM

On Monday morning, Washington Post "Fact Checker" Glenn Kessler was tossing his "Four Pinocchios" Liar rating at Donald Trump again, this time over rent-support payments for migrants in the Democrat-run state of Michigan. In recent months, Kessler has conveniently avoided throwing a single Pinocchio at Joe Biden. It looks like Glenn Kessler (D-D.C.).


Tapper Brings In 'Fact Checker' Daniel Dale to Knock Trump's Opinions

April 21st, 2024 8:35 AM

CNN's resident "fact checker" Daniel Dale usually shows his face on air when CNN wants to attack Donald Trump. On Thursday's The Lead with Jake Tapper, Dale confessed that Trump's statements during jury selection were mostly just opinion, but he mocked the idea that President Biden had something to do with Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg's prosecution, even though an Associate Attorney…


PolitiFact Refuses To Give Rubio 'True' Rating For True Statement

April 17th, 2024 3:15 PM

It is a time-honored tradition that during campaign season, politicians will defend themselves by claiming that “since I took office” such-and-such has happened or attack their opponents by arguing that “since so-and-so took office” this has happened, but when Florida Sen. Marco Rubio tried that tactic against President Biden and his inflation record, PolitiFact slapped him with a “half-true”…

NewsBusters Podcast: PolitiFact Is NOT 'Obsessed with Fairness'

April 10th, 2024 10:28 PM

While USA Today fact-checking boss Eric Litke says fact-checkers should be "obsessed with fairness," our latest NewsBusters study of PolitiFact demonstrates a significant partisan aggression against Republican politicians.


PolitiFact's 'Truth-O-Meter' Has a Dramatic Democratic Party TILT

April 9th, 2024 11:00 AM

A NewsBusters analysis of the first three months of this year's PolitiFact articles that evaluated a named politician or public official with a “Truth-O-Meter” ruling reveals that the site fact-checks Republicans more often than Democrats and is much harsher in its opinions of the GOP side.

Take The April Fool's Facebook Fact-Checkers Quiz

April 1st, 2024 9:00 AM

It is April 1 which means the news consumer must be extra aware for hijinks, tomfoolery, and other assortments of fake news. While some may have great fun with tales of pitchers who can throw 168 mile an hour fastballs while wearing a hiking boot on one foot and being barefoot on the other, the fact-checkers that are part of Facebook’s anti-disinformation campaign may beg to differ.

PolitiFact Slaps 'False' Rating On Babylon Bee Joke About Buttigieg

March 30th, 2024 2:00 PM

The professional fact-checking industry has run into problems with The Babylon Bee before and some have responded better than others. Some outlets, like Snopes and USA Today, have a “satire” label. For PolitiFact, on the other hand, a satirical joke about Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg is no laughing matter as it rated a Wednesday…

Biden Commits Train Gaffe, PolitiFact Spins Against the Plain Truth!

March 29th, 2024 4:57 PM

Joe Biden obviously misspoke on Tuesday when he implied he went over Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge commuting by train or by bar. Because obviously, there were no train tracks over the Key Bridge. The facts mangled here are in Biden's sentence. But the Biden guardians at PolitiFact somehow pretended that Biden wasn't in the wrong. He was wronged. 

PolitiFact Warns Properly Defining Gender May 'Lead To Discrimination'

March 23rd, 2024 2:00 PM

As state legislatures across the country deal with the ramifications of the gender ideology’s movement to redefine gender and differentiate it from sex, PolitiFact’s resident “LGBTQ issues” staff writer Grace Abels warned on Friday that those opposed to this redefinition are persuing bills that will “lead to discrimination.”

GASP: Snopes Fact-Checks Biden Admin’s ‘15 Million’ Jobs Added Claim

March 22nd, 2024 4:23 PM

It was always asinine for President Joe Biden’s administration to claim that they “nearly” added 15 million jobs since the pandemic, and it apparently stank so much that even leftist fact-checker Snopes didn’t let it pass the smell test.

Dem's Job Creation Talking Point Reveals PolitiFact's Double Standards

March 22nd, 2024 11:47 AM

Professional fact-checkers love to add context to their articles to argue why the claim made by whoever they are checking is more complicated than the claimant is suggesting. This can also be evidence of double standards.

Reuters Ignores Biden, Fact Checks Babylon Bee

March 16th, 2024 1:30 PM

The Babylon Bee lives rent-free in the minds of too many journalists.

'Just One Vote,' PolitiFact Defends Dem Senator's Spending Record

March 14th, 2024 1:21 PM

GOP Senate hopeful Eric Hovde has run afoul of the nitpickers at PolitiFact for correctly stating Democratic incumbent Tammy Baldwin's record on the national debt. The Thursday fact-check from Hope Karnopp defended Baldwin by claiming his statistics are unfair because the economy is larger than it has been historically and Baldwin is “just one vote in Congress.”