Wayne LaPierre
NYDN Doubles Down; Compares ‘Terrorist’ NRA, LaPierre to Farook, Roof
December 4th, 2015 2:27 AM
Further displaying their ability to have no shame, the far-left, anti-religious New York Daily News emerged late Thursday to unveil the cover of its Friday paper that compares alleged San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook to the “terrorist” National Rifle Association (NRA) and long-time executive Wayne LaPierre plus four other perpetrators of mass killings over the past three years.
Jonathan Alter: Obama-LaPierre Debate Would Be Must-See TV
October 5th, 2015 9:50 PM
Even though Barack Obama is more than four-fifths of the way through his presidency, a large part of his popularity among liberals still rests on what they view as his exceptional talent for speechmaking -- a reputation which dates to his 2004 Democratic convention keynote address.
Now Alter, one of Obama’s biggest fans in the media, wants the POTUS to use his skill as a performer in a different…

Jonathan Martin: Part of GOP Driven By ‘White Resentment Politics’
April 19th, 2015 10:36 AM
On Sunday’s Inside Politics on CNN, New York Times reporter Jonathan Martin eagerly used a controversial speech by NRA president Wayne LaPierre to argue that part of the GOP base is driven by “white resentment politics.”

PBS Airs Anti-NRA Special: ‘Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA’
January 7th, 2015 3:39 PM
On Tuesday night, PBS aired its latest Frontline documentary aimed at attacking the NRA entitled "Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA." On multiple occasions, the program did its best to promote the activities of anti-gun activists while discrediting the efforts of the NRA to protect the Second Amendment. Throughout the hour long special, Frontline reporter Jim Gilmore highlighted several mass…
Professor: NRA Has ‘Blood On [Its] Hands’ From NYC Cop-Killing
December 31st, 2014 12:09 PM
Peter Dreier, who teaches at Occidental College, writes that “for decades, the NRA has fought every effort to get Congress and states to adopt reasonable laws that would make it much less likely that people like was [Ismaaiyl] Brinsley would be able to obtain a gun.” Dreier claims that even though the NRA’s “arguments are bogus,” it “has the money, and a small but committed hard core of members,…
Daily Kos: Palin, LaPierre Made NRA Convention Sound Like an American
April 29th, 2014 7:06 AM
Lawyer-writer Mike Godwin says he came up with Godwin's Law to discourage facile comparisons to Hitler and Nazism, but sometimes facile happens anyway: Daily Kos featured blogger Hunter declared Monday that "Wayne LaPierre and Sarah Palin at the National Rifle Association [convention] is what an American Nazi Party rally would sound like if Germany had won the war."
From Hunter's post on…

Uh-oh: NBC News President to Discuss Future of 'Meet the Press' With D
March 13th, 2014 8:11 PM
During a brief visit to Washington, D.C., Deborah Turness – the president of NBC News – is slated to discuss the fate of the network's Sunday morning program with host David Gregory and executive producer Rob Yarin regarding possible changes to the format of Meet the Press, which recently saw its ratings tumble to their lowest point since the third quarter of 1992.
According to Dylan Byers,…

MSNBC Mocks NRA, Suggests It's Better to Confront a School Shooter Una
January 2nd, 2014 4:59 PM
On Monday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, MSNBC's Richard Wolffe mocked NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre for asserting a year ago that "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," by using the example of Antoinette Tuff, who last August heroically talked a gunman in a school into surrendering.
Wolffe treated one exceptional and unlikely case…
Oh Horror! Liberal Media's Top Five Free-Market Monsters
October 30th, 2013 12:04 PM
As Halloween approaches, many people devour scary stories and the annual celebration of fear. But the media doesn't reserve frightening tall tales for October, they promote fear all year long, especially over the dangers of climate change, guns and those who promote free-market capitalism.
Media outlets, along with the left, promote widespread fear of many individuals who disagree with them.…

Supposedly Unbiased Carol Costello Complains About Lack of Gun Control
September 24th, 2013 11:15 AM
During Wayne LaPierre's appearance on the Sunday morning edition of NBC's Meet the Press, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association told host David Gregory that the tragic shooting at the Navy Yards on Monday, September 16, actually reinforced his pro-gun stance. He stated: “When the good guys with guns got there, [the shooting] stopped.”
On Monday morning, Carol…

NPR Touts Obama Using Navy Yard Memorial Service to Boost Gun Control
September 23rd, 2013 6:45 PM
On Monday's Morning Edition, NPR's Scott Horsley boosted President Obama's push for new gun control measures at the Sunday memorial service for the victims of the mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. Horsley played four soundbites of Obama bemoaning the apparent lack of action on this issue, while including just one clip from the NRA's Wayne LaPierre.
The correspondent also asserted…

MSNBC's O'Donnell Again Ties NRA Rhetoric to Ricin Attacks
May 31st, 2013 4:32 PM
For a second night on Thursday, MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell on his The Last Word show tried to blame NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre for inspiring the ricin-tainted letters recently sent to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and President Barack Obama. The MSNBC host teased the show:

MSNBC's O'Donnell Links NRA Rhetoric to Ricin Attack on Bloomberg
May 30th, 2013 5:04 PM
On Wednesday's The Last Word show, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell tried to link rhetoric by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre to the ricin attack on New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg as he played several clips of LaPierre criticizing the liberal mayor's support for gun control before getting to the story of ricin-tainted letters. After running the clips, O'Donnell ominously related…

Snide ABC: NRA Takes a 'Victory Lap' and 'Uses' Boston to Fight Gun C
May 6th, 2013 1:10 PM
ABC reporters over the weekend huffed that the National Rifle Association took a "victory lap" and sneered that the gun group was "using" the Boston bombing at their recent convention. Reporter Reena Ninan on Sunday chided, "NRA leaders found a way to use the recent bombings in Boston, even shooting tragedies, to expand support for their organization."
On Monday's Good Morning America,…