Warren Buffett

In Rush to Condemn Burger King, 'Hardball' Host Makes Whopper of a Fac
August 27th, 2014 9:35 PM
In his rush to flame-broil Burger King as an unpatriotic fast-food joint looking to skip out on paying its taxes to Uncle Sam, MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews sought to enlist the famously pro-free market, pro-capitalism Wall Street Journal. The only problem is his claim is 100 percent Grade A baloney.
"The Wall Street Journal lead editorial today came out against it.... The lead editorial…

CBS Hits Warren Buffett From Left Over Burger King Deal: ‘Capitalist
August 27th, 2014 10:55 AM
Ever since fast food chain Burger King announced its desire to purchase Canadian coffee and doughnut chain Tim Hortons, CBS has done its best to play up the supposed backlash the company will face as it moves its headquarters overseas to lower its tax burden.
On Wednesday morning, following the news that billionaire investor Warren Buffett is helping finance the merger, CBS This Morning made…

Ugh: Charlie Rose Starts Interview With ‘Friend’ Hillary Clinton W
July 18th, 2014 1:00 PM
On Thursday night’s episode of his PBS show, Charlie Rose began by showering guest and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with praises from the likes of Henry Kissinger, the late Maya Angelous and, naturally, Charlie Rose himself! From reading a glowing quote from Henry Kissinger to reading a Maya Angelou poem all about her to Rose announcing “I consider Hillary Clinton a friend,” it was…
Press Lionizes Buffett, Ignores Near Reappearance of Recession Under H
July 8th, 2014 5:20 PM
The press loves billionaire Warren Buffett, who can be relied to support President Barack Obama even in implausible circumstances — such as the current economy, where the "recovery" following the 2008-2009 traditionally defined recession has been worse than any since World War II, and barely better than what was seen during the awful post-Depression 1930s.
Thus far, the press has managed to…
Mark Levin: Warren Buffett a 'Stupid Billionaire
May 14th, 2014 5:16 PM
Talk radio host Mark Levin discussed CMI's report on Warren Buffett's funding of the abortion industry.
Levin noted that "this guy is held up as this great public figure, even though he's a private, corporate titan. Tens of billions of dollars. $1.2 billion dollars, one man? And he's this great guy, he knows all about the economy -- he doesn't know anything. He's just another stupid…
CMI's Warren Buffett Report Discussed on 'The Five
May 14th, 2014 9:14 AM
CMI's special report which revealed that Warren Buffett had donated more than $1.2 billion to pro-abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood, was discussed on Fox News' "The Five."
A partial transcript of the interview follows:
(video after break)

Warren Buffett Opposed Obamacare
September 17th, 2013 11:56 AM
Executive editor's note: Due to an error made by a secondary source, the piece below incorrectly claimed that Warren Buffett had called for the repeal of Obamacare in 2013. The interview which was cited actually took place in 2010. We regret the error.
When Warren Buffett proposed higher taxes on millionaires in 2011, the media gushed and fawned giving him and his views airtime as if Elvis…

Zuckerman: Billionaires Are Buying Newspapers ‘Because They No Longe
August 11th, 2013 8:30 PM
Media mogul Mort Zuckerman wins this weekend’s funniest line on a political talk show.
Asked by the host of PBS's McLaughlin Group why successful billionaires would invest in a dying business such as newspapers, Zuckerman replied, “Because they no longer wish to be billionaires” (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):

Kurtz on Kochs Buying Newspapers: Liberal Warren Buffett Does it Witho
June 9th, 2013 4:31 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, liberal media members have been absolutely apoplectic over the thought of the Koch brothers buying the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times.
CNN's Howard Kurtz gave a somewhat more reasoned view of such an eventuality on Reliable Sources Sunday saying, "Let's remember that more liberal businessmen such as Warren Buffett have been snapping up newspapers…

Most News Reports Don't Tell Readers or Viewers How Little Money 'Buff
November 29th, 2012 5:54 PM
A search at the Associated Press's national website on Warren Buffett's last name at about 5 p.m. ET returned two recent items which are still present there. Each item (here and here) mentions the Obama Fan of Omaha's idea to "impose a minimum tax of 30 percent on income between $1 million and $10 million, and a 35 percent rate for income above that." Neither mentions the pathetically small…
NBC's Lauer Tees Up Warren Buffett to Demand Tax Hikes and Dismiss GOP
November 27th, 2012 11:55 AM
In an interview with Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer was puzzled by GOP opposition to the billionaire investor's call for higher taxes: "One of the ideas being pushed out there by the Right is that if you raise taxes on the wealthy it will have a chilling effect on hiring and investment in this country....Why do you think Republicans are clinging…

Grover Norquist on Buffett's Call for Higher Taxes: 'Write a Check and
November 26th, 2012 10:49 PM
Billionaire Warren Buffett said Monday that there should be a minimum tax on the wealthy.
Appearing on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight, low tax advocate Grover Norquist responded, "If he wants to write a check, he should write a check and shut up about what everybody else should do" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Fareed Zakaria Shocker: 'Single Biggest Threat to the U.S.'s Fiscal He
June 17th, 2012 5:21 PM
Less than two weeks after Wisconsin's Republican Governor Scott Walker won his recall election, you wouldn't expect a prominent liberal media member to be coming down on public employee benefits.
Yet there was Time magazine's editor-at-large Fareed Zakaria publishing a rather shocking article Friday with the equally shocking headline "Why We Need Pension Reform":

Ed Schultz: Most Under-Covered Story Right Now Is Wealthy Not Paying
May 20th, 2012 8:41 PM
Although it may not surprise NewsBusters readers, it appears MSNBC's Ed Schultz doesn't pay any attention to what he says, what others on his network report, or what is covered by any mainstream media outlet.
What else could be the explanation for Schultz claiming in an interview with Talking Points Memo that the most under-covered story in the country right now is wealthy people not paying…