Vaclav Klaus

Open Thread: Does the Environmental Agenda Have Parallels to Communism
July 28th, 2011 10:14 AM
Global warming, aka climate change, is the scapegoat for everything from record snowfalls to disastrous tornadoes. As such, it is also the perfect route for governments to closely control their citizens by regulating the smallest of details, like which lightbulbs they are allowed to use, to supposedly fix the problem.
Czech President Vaclav Klaus, who grew up under totalitarian rule, is…
MSNBCer: Gore Should Debate Palin and All Climate Change Deniers
December 12th, 2009 12:19 PM
Nobel Laureate Al Gore should debate former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and all those who don't believe man is responsible for global warming.So said MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe Friday in an appearance on "Countdown." This was in response to substitute anchor Lawrence O'Donnell bringing up Palin's answer to conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham's question concerning the former…
Rain or Shine, Environmentalists Want to Control Us
March 11th, 2009 10:18 AM
BMI's Dan Gainor has a great column on the Fox Forum about the silence around "global cooling."This is the winter of environmentalists’ discontent. They desperately want the earth to be warming to prove Al Gore’s truth inviolate and they are going to make you pay thousands of dollars for it no matter whether it’s true or not. But the weather has been inconveniently cold. Thirty-two states have…
New EU President Klaus, Globaloney Critic, Is a 'Figurehead'; Appellat
January 6th, 2009 1:36 PM
To say that President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic is not liked by Euro-elitists is a grand understatement. European media has generally bent over backwards to give European Union politicians and bureaucrats in Brussels respect and the benefit of the doubt. If there is a voter referendum that enhances EU power, the press is for it, and those in countries like Ireland who reject its advances…
NYT Reporter Warns: 'Arrogant...Inflammatory' Free Market Radical Set
November 25th, 2008 1:24 PM
New York Times European correspondent Dan Bilefsky bizarrely relayed the contents of a secret police file from the former Communist state of Czechoslovakia to boost his argument that Vaclav Klaus, the new president of the European Union, is a dangerously arrogant proponent of the free market. Bilefksy's Tuesday story from Prague, "A Fiery Czech Is Poised to Be the Face of Europe," read more like…