Track Palin

WashPost Gossips Mock TMZ Divorce Notes on Palin's Eldest -- Unlike Th
December 15th, 2012 1:50 PM
In Friday's Washington Post, gossips Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts reported that Sarah Palin's eldest child Track is divorcing his wife after a little more than a year of marriage. "She keeps her jewelry; he keeps his guns" in the settlement, they joked from the TMZ report.
But in June of 2010, when Al Gore's eldest child Karenna was divorcing, she was a "crisis management" role model…
Newest Palin Attack: Son Vandalized Buses, Forced to Join Military (NY
September 11th, 2008 6:05 AM
It seems like the rumors, innuendo and smears thrown by the left against Governor Sarah Palin and her family will never stop. Apparently, the newest lie being casually thrown about by the DemocraticUnderground and the National Enquirer is that Palin's soldier son Track was involved as an unidentified vandal of Wasilla school buses in 2005. Worse, the rumormongers are denigrating Track's…