
FLASHBACK: Journos Trashed ‘Token’ Tim Scott’s Response to Biden SOTU

March 1st, 2022 8:50 AM

If tonight’s speech is a dud, expect the liberal journos to spend most of their time attacking the GOP response and Republicans in general, like they did when they disgustingly attacked Republican Senator Tim Scott in 2021.


NBC Black History Month Promo Skips Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott

February 7th, 2022 1:01 PM

A promotional ad from NBCUniversal marking Black History Month, which aired during Monday’s Today show, featured left-wing politicians and protesters but ignored Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. The montage did include footage of late California Senator Shirley Chisholm, former President Barack Obama, Vice President Kamala Harris, and scores…


Joy Reid Gets Uncomfortable When Booker Praises GOPers as Human Beings

May 26th, 2021 7:15 PM

MSNBC’s The ReidOut closed on an awkward note Tuesday night as Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) dared to go against the grain and remind host Joy Reid and viewers that conservatives, Republicans, and police officers are human beings too who are capable of sincerity and shouldn’t be “paint[ed]....with a broad brush.”


Don Lemon: Okay to Trash Tim Scott as an 'Oreo' in Private?

May 8th, 2021 12:02 AM

Appearing as a guest on Friday's New Day show, CNN Tonight host Don Lemon showed sympathy for liberals who hate Senator Tim Scott and other black conservatives as he suggested that it would be acceptable to call them by racial epithets in private conversations. His comments came as he reacted to a Texas Democratic official who recently derided Senator Scott as an "Oreo."


MSNBC Race-Baiter Sharpton Attacks Tim Scott: America is Racist!

May 3rd, 2021 5:25 PM

On Monday afternoon, MSNBC anchor Ayman Mohyeldin invited on fellow cable host and leftist race-baiter Al Sharpton to attack Republican South Carolina Senator Tim Scott for daring to say that “America is not a racist country” during a response to President Biden’s address to Congress.


CNN, WashPost Accuse Harris of Not Being Leftist Enough on Racism

May 3rd, 2021 1:13 PM

CNN’s New Day ended its 8 am hour by attacking Vice President Kamala Harris for not going fully woke on the question of whether America is a racist country. 


MSNBC's Tiffany Cross Hits Tim Scott with VILE Commentary

May 3rd, 2021 10:02 AM

On Saturday morning, Tiffany Cross put on display the hatred against black conservatives that is tolerated by the liberal media as the MSNBC host gave a commentary aiming more offensive words at Republican Senator Tim Scott than she would have ever publicly used against any white conservative.

NPR Gives 8 Minutes to WashPost to Defend Lame Tim Scott 'Fact Check'

May 2nd, 2021 11:10 PM

Washington Post "fact checker" Glenn Kessler drew a lot of fire for digging deeply into the family history of Sen. Tim Scott to suggest his life story was exaggerated. On Sunday night's All Things Considered, NPR weekend host Michel Martin devoted more than eight minutes of air time to letting Kessler defend himself, as liberal journalists stick up for liberal journalists and…

Journalists Yawn at Disgusting HATE Leveled at Tim Scott

May 2nd, 2021 5:55 PM

Why did the liberal media not defend Senator Tim Scott from the disgusting and racist attacks leveled against him after his speech this week? Because he's a Republican, of course. 

Chuck Todd Slimes Tim Scott for Saying America's Not Racist!

May 2nd, 2021 4:03 PM

On Sunday's Meet the Press, NBC host Chuck Todd twice suggested that Sen. Tim Scott daring to claim "America is not a racist country" was going to ruin the chances of passing "police reform." This weird take first emerged in the opening moments of the program, and he repeated it once he put pundits around the table. The liberal journalists actually told him he was wrong.


FAKE NEWS: CNNEE Smears Tim Scott On Manufactured 'Inconsistency'

May 1st, 2021 10:11 PM

CNN En Español Anchor Juan Carlos López’ “analysis” of Senator Tim Scott’s rebuttal speech makes clear that, regardless of language, CNN is going to CNN.


MSNBC Attacks Tim Scott: A Marionette Making 'Asinine' Remarks

May 1st, 2021 12:14 PM

They cannot stand blacks that decide to be Republican and conservative. On her MSNBC show Saturday morning, Tiffany Cross repeatedly tore into Sen. Tim Scott, branding his response to President Biden's address to Congress, and in particular, Scott's comments on the Georgia election law, as "bizarre, ridiculous . . . and asinine." MSNBC political analyst Fernand Armandi mocked Scott as a…


MSNBC Claims Biden 'Less Partisan' vs. Scott's 'Very Partisan Tone'

April 30th, 2021 5:11 PM

Congressional correspondent Kasie Hunt joined Andrea Mitchell on her Thursday MSNBC show to discuss President Biden's Wednesday speech to Congress and Sen. Tim Scott's response to it. Hunt twisted herself into a rhetorical pretzel to declare that Biden's speech was "less partisan" and normal while also claiming the era of big government is back, while Mitchell criticized Scott's "very partisan…


MSNBC Panel Defends Tim Scott Slur, Says He Doesn’t Understand Racism

April 29th, 2021 11:22 PM

MSNBC’s The ReidOut went all out in showing its hatred for Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), trashing his speech as proof he deserved the label “Uncle Tim” on account of his support for the party that they claimed was the reason why he grew up poor and his grandfather was illiterate. Worse yet, they argued that, since Scott refused to call America “a racist country,” he doesn’t understand…