Ted Danson

Woke Political Comedy Mocks Itself: 'High Fives for White Feminism'
February 4th, 2021 11:00 PM
When the staff members for new L.A. Mayor Neil Bremer (Ted Danson) are forced to gather for a mandatory HR training session, during the aptly titled “Respect in the Workplace” episode on February 4 of NBC’s Mr. Mayor, hilarity ensues.

Bozell & Graham Column: Jane Fonda's New Socialist Stunts
November 2nd, 2019 8:14 AM
One of the strangest things about liberals is how they think getting arrested is some kind of achievement. Take Jane Fonda, who at the tender age of 81 is still ranting against capitalist America ruining the world. Only this time, the issue is “climate change” instead of the Cold War. “Hanoi Jane” infamously sat behind a communist anti-aircraft gun in Vietnam in 1972, and today, one could imagine…

Kurtz Hits Media Hypocrisy on Liberal TV Stars Wearing Blackface
February 24th, 2019 3:10 PM
On Sunday's MediaBuzz show on Fox News Channel, host Howard Kurtz gave a commentary in which he highlighted recent media double standards on the issue of whites wearing blackface, including the firing of Megyn Kelly from NBC's Today show simply for mildly defending the practice, when several prominent liberals affiliated with NBC and in other places have openly done routines in blackface in the…

Hollywood Celebrities Shake Their Pom-Poms for Hillary
July 15th, 2016 8:42 AM
Today, the eighth and final installment of NewsBusters’ special report, “Hillary Clinton’s Media Fan Club,” documenting how the media have helped fuel Clinton’s political campaign by showering her with fawning news coverage, even as they discredit her critics. Today, we document how the entertainment media is also firmly on Hillary’s side, and have also championed her presidential aspirations for…
Ted Danson Swoons: ‘I Love’ Clintons ‘with Every Fiber of My Being'
November 20th, 2015 10:59 AM
Liberal actor Ted Danson used his appearance on the early Friday morning edition of Tavis Smiley’s PBS program to profess his love for Bill and Hillary Clinton “with every fiber of my being” and praised Hillary Clinton’s performance at the Benghazi Committee hearing as a showcase of someone who would be a “thoughtful, big hearted, incredibly bright president.”

Ted Danson: 'We Shouldn't Just Close Some Coasts to Oil Drilling - We
April 20th, 2011 10:43 AM
The star of the hit series now in syndication "Cheers" made a strong statement about offshore drilling on the one year anniversary of the BP oil spill.
"We should not just close some of our coasts to drilling," wrote Ted Danson at the Huffington Post Tuesday. "We should close all of them":
Ted Danson: Rush Limbaugh, Religious Right 'Really Piss Me Off
November 3rd, 2009 7:01 AM
There's no better example than political commentary from a Hollywood elite to demonstrate how low some conservatives are regarded. According to actor Ted Danson, some conservatives are just being manipulated by Rush Limbaugh and organized religion because they're not smart to formulate their own beliefs. Danson, who has starred in both "Becker" and "Cheers," appeared on HLN's Nov. 2 "The Joy…