Roy Bourgeois

N.Y. Times Dwells on the 'Sexism Is a Sin' Watch for 'Womenpriests
August 10th, 2011 6:45 AM
The New York Times is seriously stretching the maxim “all the news that’s fit to print” in celebrating a small band of liberal activists for women priests in the Catholic Church. On Tuesday, religion reporter Laurie Goodstein publicized the latest twist: radical leftist Father Roy Bourgeois, best known for feverishly protesting the U.S. armed forces training center called the School of the…

New York Times Skips Pro-Life March, But Sends Writer and Photographer
November 23rd, 2010 8:49 AM
The New York Times has a funny way of defining protests as "news" or "not news" depending on who is being protested. For example, they've entirely ignored the March for Life against abortion in Washington in 2008 and 2009 (and in 2010, gave it part of a sentence). But in Monday's paper, they openly worried that a left-wing protest is dwindling in popularity. They sent Times writer Kim Severson…