Freak Out! Nets Spend 107 Mins on Trump Wiretapping Tweet

March 7th, 2017 12:03 PM
Since Saturday, when Donald Trump first took to Twitter to accuse former President Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower, the morning and evening shows of ABC, CBS and NBC have devoted 107 minutes, 33 seconds to refuting the President’s claim. In contrast, new reports from previous weeks suggesting the Obama Administration did, in fact, initiate surveillance were essentially ignored at the time.

Katy Tur Can’t Recall Obama's 2012 ‘Flexibility' Hot Mic to Russians

February 20th, 2017 5:36 PM
On Monday, our friend SooperMexican at The Right Scoop caught this embarrassing exchange on MSNBC as Katy Tur admitted to her guest that she was couldn’t recall President Barack Obama being caught on a hot mike in 2012 saying he’d have “more flexibility” to work with Russia after his reelection.

Reiner Slams Trump's 'Cancerous Presidency,' Predicts Impeachment

February 12th, 2017 5:49 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, left-wing activist and film maker Rob Reiner condemned President Donald Trump as a "pathological liar" who is "mentally unstable," and declared that "we're looking at a cancerous presidency that we cannot allow to spread," during a discussion of reports that National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had discussed the issue of sanctions on Russia…

Mitchell: No ‘Smoking Gun’ in Podesta E-Mails, He’s a ‘Victim’

October 12th, 2016 5:21 PM
On her MSNBC show on Wednesday, anchor Andrea Mitchell referred to the leaked e-mails from Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta as “an incredible, rich narrative of what was going on inside the campaign” but then asked New York Times reporter Amy Chozick “what do we see as the really, you know, smoking guns, if you will, in these e-mails?”

Nets Attach Words 'Sexual Assault' to Trump, But Not to Clinton

October 11th, 2016 5:55 PM
As the broadcast network evening newscasts on Monday recalled both the tape from 2005 revealing Donald Trump speaking lewdly about his behavior toward women, and Trump inviting women who have accused Bill Clinton of either sexual harassment or assault to Sunday's debate, there was an obvious double standard in the willingness to use the term "sexual assault" with regard to Trump's behavior, while…

CNN's Rye Blows Up Over Clinton Rape History, 'F-ing Ridiculous'

October 11th, 2016 11:07 AM
On Monday's Erin Burnett Outfront on CNN, during a discussion of reaction to the tape of Donald Trump speaking lewdly about women with Billy Bush, liberal CNN political commentator Angela Rye at one point went berzerk and started shouting when conservative CNN political commentator and Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany confronted her with reports of Hillary Clinton's attacks on women who made…

CNN's Kucinich Brushes Off Clinton Sex Assaults as 'Conspiracy Theory'

October 10th, 2016 2:03 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Monday's New Day, CNN's Jackie Kucinich -- also of the Daily Beast -- tried to brush off accusations that Bill Clinton not only committed sexual assaults against women, but that Hillary Clinton took part in threatening the women to keep them quiet, as the Daily Beast Washington bureau chief suggested that such claims come "straight out of conspiracy theory land." It…

NYT Plays Defense for HRC as Trump Telegraphs Hit on Bill's Sex Past

October 2nd, 2016 12:54 PM
The New York Times played preemptive defense for Hillary Clinton as Trump telegraphed a possible hit on Bill Clinton’s dark sexual past, with the Times dismissing claims of sexual assaults by Bill Clinton as "disputed" and trying hard to turn the tables on Trump and his past infidelities:"...he also contended that infidelity was 'never a problem' during his three marriages, though his first ended…

HuffPo Tweets Trigger Warning as It Finally Covers Hillary's Health

September 12th, 2016 10:52 AM
The Huffington Post faced a quandary yesterday. Because of the "medical episode" Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton suffered yesterday, HuffPo Senior Politics Editor Sam Stein knew that far-left website, after months of avoidance, would have to break down and start treating her health and stamina as genuine news topics. But he also decided that he needed to tweet the equivalent of a…

Alter Lauds 'Distinguished' Protester Sharpton, Hits Trump on 'Race'

July 17th, 2016 4:51 PM
On Sunday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, it was ironic enough that Daily Beast columnist and MSNBC analyst Jonathan Alter tried to indict GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on "race" in the presence of career race-hustler and MSNBC host Al Sharpton, but, moments later, the liberal Alter made a point of praising Sharpton as having a "distinguished history as a street protester." That "…

Pro-Abortion PAC Sways Hillary to Drop 'First Woman President' Spin

May 26th, 2016 7:35 AM
Although Hillary Clinton is notorious for playing the gender card in politics, she's recently dropped the shtick on the presidential campaign trail. Why the sudden change?  Apparently referring to herself as the "youngest woman president" (oh that Hillary -she's a funny one!), doesn't do a thing for her image according to a poll conducted by the EMILY's List, the PAC for pro-abortion female…

Trump's Complaints Are Big News, Threats to Anti-Trumpers Ignored

April 15th, 2016 12:45 PM
On April 13, ABC’s World News Tonight correspondent Tom Llamas devoted most of that night’s report to chilling death threats against the Colorado state Republican party chairman, angered at how Donald Trump failed to win any delegates at the weekend party convention. That one report, plus two minor mentions on ABC and CBS, is all of broadcast news attention given to these threats. But the…

ABC Only Network to Report Alleged Death Threats Against Delegates

April 13th, 2016 9:50 PM
On Wednesday’s evening news broadcasts, ABC was the only network to report on new threats delegates were allegedly facing from Trump supporters. Delegates from Colorado and Indiana complained to the media that they had been receiving death threats aimed at themselves and their families.While NBC did a full report on the GOP race and Trump’s complaints about the system, CBS did a short brief on…

Bozell Praises CNN and MSNBC for Banning Roger Stone

April 7th, 2016 11:03 AM
Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell issued the following statement praising CNN and MSNBC for their decisions to ban Roger Stone, a close associate of presidential candidate Donald Trump, who has called for intimidation of delegates at this summer’s Republican Convention.