‘Jesus Wept:’ Hollywood Implodes Over ‘Loser’ Trump’s Rally

February 12th, 2019 7:07 PM
A hard hitting Trump rally is often the best setting to witness the Twitter implosions of showbiz personalities in real time. Monday night’s social media turnout during Trump’s El Paso speech definitely showcased some volcanic Hollywood hate.

Hollywood Rages at Thought of Trump Pushing Border Policy on Natl. TV

January 8th, 2019 2:45 PM
The announcement of Donald Trump’s oval office address regarding the crisis at the southern border has set the entire media machine on a tailspin of hatred and outrage. Trump refuses to back down on strong border policy, and progressives refuse to act sane. The worst examples include Hollywood stars on Twitter, who are screaming to high heaven about how wrong and “fucked up” this all is.  

Celebs Gloat Over Dem Congress Restraining ‘F*cking Moron’ Trump

January 3rd, 2019 12:35 PM
Democrats have readied themselves to take their majority in Congress, and their biggest Hollywood fans have started celebrating as if it was their Christmas and New Year’s all rolled into one.

Hollywood Hate: Celebs Attack ‘Draft Dodger’ Trump’s Iraq Visit

December 27th, 2018 12:15 PM
No matter what President Donald Trump does, Hollywood celebs will always stoop for reasons to ridicule him. Trump’s secret visit to U.S. soldiers in Iraq on Wednesday was met yet again with unrelenting hostility from Hollywood and the news media, because as long as he’s him, and president, they will remain completely deranged.

Hollywood Talks Border Crisis: ‘Asswipe’ Trump ‘Tear-Gassing Babies'

November 26th, 2018 12:52 PM
Tensions have risen as members of the infamous migrant caravan have attempted to storm ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border near San Diego. Despite news of undeterred migrants throwing rocks at and charging the U.S. gates, the lefties in Hollywood over the weekend took to social media to declare that our government’s response is what’s actually criminal and lawless.

After Midterms, Visions of Impeachment Dance In Celebrities’ Heads

November 7th, 2018 11:49 AM
Inspired by a modest political victory in flipping the house, lefty showbiz mouthpieces have immediately pivoted to salivating over their next campaign — that is getting their sworn adversary President Donald Trump out of office.  

Director Who Supported Both Clintons Now Worries About Trump’s Lies

August 7th, 2018 5:36 PM
Hollywood director Rob Reiner, who supported both Bill and Hillary Clinton, is now very concerned about political untruths. Donald Trump’s that is. Reiner appeared on Monday's edition of MSNBC’s The Beat and decried Trump as someone who “constantly lies and is lying right to our face.” 

Self-Centered Katy Tur, Rob Reiner Showcase Why People Hate the Media

August 1st, 2018 6:30 PM
In roughly eight minutes Wednesday afternoon, MSNBC Live host Katy Tur and far-left liberal actor Rob Reiner were able to showcase why the embarrassingly smug behavior of Hollywood and the liberal media has continued to lose them supporters despite their deranged attempts to play the victim card.

Entertainment’s Winners and Losers: Summer Edition

July 22nd, 2018 7:08 PM
For a summer installment of the entertainment industry’s winners and losers, entries include a successful sequel to a hit Pixar movie having libertarian undertones, Rob Reiner’s latest liberal flop, and a kids’ cartoon of all things joining the grievance industry. And skip down below the first review to avoid spoilers regarding the plot of Incredibles 2!

Rob Reiner's 'Shock & Awe' Movie About Heroic Liberal Journos Tanked

July 21st, 2018 2:18 PM
Rob Reiner has a new movie named Shock & Awe that celebrates heroic liberal Knight-Ridder reporters who fought the Bush team’s case for war in Iraq. Liberal critics celebrated it as timely, but not as a great movie. It had a terrible opening weekend, grossing only $45,000 at the box office (or $459 a screen). Two movies that debuted on just four screens had much stronger openings.

MSNBC Demands ‘Potential Criminal’ Trump Be Stopped on SCOTUS Pick

June 29th, 2018 12:04 PM

Just think, this was on Thursday night, so the week from hell for MSNBC’s Hardball and host Chris Matthews was far from over with. Thursday’s installment featured he and various guests demanding that “we cannot allow” “a potential criminal” in President Trump to appoint another conservative Supreme Court justice because he’ll keep Trump from prison and do his bidding “for three decades.”


Rob Reiner: ‘The Media is Under Attack’ Thanks to Trump

June 29th, 2018 11:45 AM
Everyone’s favorite liberal commentator, that esteemed analyst, Rob Reiner, has an opinion again. Heaven help us.  

Hollywood PANICS about Kennedy: SCOTUS 'Will Take Away Our Rights!'

June 27th, 2018 3:44 PM
The wealthy elite actors who are the face of the #resistance have had a very bad day. After Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court on June 27, wailing and grinding of teeth could be heard from Tinseltown across the Twitterverse. The apocalyptic predictions reached a fever pitch: Kennedy’s retiring meant the end of Roe v. Wade, the end of democracy, and the end of…

Rob Reiner & Wife Liken Trump to Hitler, Supporters 'Hardcore Racists'

June 24th, 2018 4:27 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, MSNBC host Joy Reid served up a double helping of "Meathead" as liberal film maker Rob Reiner and his wife, Michele Reiner, spent a segment ranting against President Donald Trump and his "hardcore racist" supporters. Michele Reiner invoked Nazi death camps as she called Trump "evil" and likened him to Adolf Hitler. Rob Reiner repeatedly accused Trump supporters of being "…