Richard Gere

Starstruck NY Times Liberal Outraged at Giuliani's Homeless Criticism
August 30th, 2015 7:07 PM
Ginia Bellafante's "Big City" column in Sunday's New York Times smacked of a particular brand of star-struck, fact-allergic old-style liberalism in which Bellafante, metro columnist and occasional reporter for the Times, went after an old enemy, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani: "The Dark Ages of Giuliani." Some urban liberals will apparently never forgive Giuliani for cleaning up the…

Richard Gere Wanted His Latest Film Character to Be a Lovable Cheater
September 18th, 2012 4:08 PM
In an interview with Steve Pond of the entertainment website The Wrap, actor Richard Gere explained his latest role, headlined "Why My Cheating 'Arbitrage' Financier Is Like Bill Clinton."
Gere plays a hedge-fund manager with "silky-smooth confidence" forced to play a "high-level con game" with authorities as he cheats on his wife (played by Susan Sarandon): "You know he's got problems, but…

Richard Gere: Obama Will Be 'One of Our Great Presidents
June 4th, 2011 7:36 AM
Actor and activist Richard Gere told on Capitol Hill that President Barack Obama has done an "extraordinary job" in office and will probably go down as one of America's "great presidents."
Gere was on Capitol Hill to testify before the House Foreign Affairs Committee about religious freedom and human rights in Asia. After his testimony, asked Gere, "Has President Obama…

Now That Obama's President, Actor Richard Gere Silent on Tibet
January 28th, 2011 11:08 AM
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner recently hosted a dinner for the man who’s holding the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize winner in prison. The Hollywood community and their human rights lobby were oddly silent on this event. Could it be because Hope and Change has been placed over all those “Free Tibet” bumper stickers in Hollywood?
A Tale of Two Ceremonies
January 9th, 2009 2:26 PM
One celebrates movies that people actually watch and the other celebrates movies that critics think people should watch. “Milk,” the biopic starring Sean Penn about Harvey Milk, California’s first openly gay elected official, perfectly illustrated the divide between “the people” and “the critics.” Critics loved the movie, as evidenced by a 92 percent favorable rating on the aggregate film review…