Orrin Hatch

Macho Hatch-o: 'I'm A Lot Tougher' Than Robert Bennett
November 17th, 2010 10:12 AM
First came the Searchlight Brawler, Harry Reid. Now Orrin Hatch joins the ranks of the Senate tough guys . . .
Asked whether—like fellow Utah Senator Robert Bennett—he might be defeated in his bid to obtain the Republican nomination, Hatch bragged "I'm a lot tougher" than Bennett, and considerably more conservative to boot.
Hatch's macho moment came this morning during an interview…
There She Goes Again: Maddow Descends Into Deceit to Malign Orrin Hatc
March 6th, 2010 11:55 PM
If there's one thing Rachel Maddow hates, it's hypocrisy. That and dishonesty, oh, don't get her started. Especially when they emanate from the GOP side of the aisle, at least as perceived by her. But when coming from Maddow, well, let's just say her blind spot is broad of breadth.On her MSNBC show Tuesday, for example, Maddow repeatedly called Sen. Orrin Hatch a liar in response to a Hatch op-ed…
'This Is The First Step Toward Single-Payer: I Admit That
October 21st, 2009 8:15 PM
Barack Obama likes to claim he believes in the free market, even as he lards his administration with what Hugh Hewitt has delightfully dubbed "Mickey Maoists" like Anita Dunn and Ron Bloom.But Ed Schultz has given away the game. On his MSNBC show this evening, Schultz said of ObamaCare: "this is the first step toward single-payer. I admit that."Here's Schultz's full statement . . .
Orrin Hatch Writes a Song for His Friend Ted Kennedy
August 28th, 2009 5:13 PM
"I wrote this song with the great Phil Springer. Take a moment to listen to the words. You don't have to agree with everyone's politics...none of us agree 100% of the time. But you have to admire a lifetime dedicated to public service and improving the lives of others -- and that is just one of the many things that made Ted great. I think this song captures a small part of Ted's legacy of service…
Hatch: FISA Modernization Critics Feed Delusions of 9/11 Truthers
June 27th, 2008 10:50 AM
NewsBusters readers are likely aware that Congress has for months been debating an amendment to 1978's Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to bring it up to date with technological and geopolitical changes in the past three decades.Folks on the left view this modernization as an onerous intrusion on privacy rights, and have been preventing this bill -- which was originally signed into law on…
AP Defends Pelosi’s FISA Delay Tactic
February 15th, 2008 11:04 AM
Americans will be in far greater danger of a terrorist attack after midnight Saturday due to House Democrats, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.), deciding to leave town for a break rather than vote on a surveillance bill that cleared the Senate Tuesday. Sadly, the good folks at the Associated Press don't seem concerned, for instead of painting an accurate picture of this truly abysmal delay…
Sen. Hatch Lashes Out at MoveOn.org and Daily Kos Again
February 8th, 2008 2:17 PM
NewsBusters readers should recall that in September, as many in Congress condemned the "General Betray Us" advertisement placed in the New York Times by George Soros's MoveOn.org, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said on the Senate floor: Now, all of America understands MoveOn.org and other groups like it are called the nutroots of our society. These people are nuts and they don't care who they hurt,…
Senator Hatch Lashes Out at MoveOn and ‘Nutroots
September 13th, 2007 10:18 AM
While Democrats, media, and far-left groups like MoveOn did their level best to smear the good name of Gen. David Petraeus this week, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) stood up on the Senate floor to state what most right-thinking Americans have been feeling. Speaking specifically about the disgraceful advertisement published Monday in the New York Times referring to General "Betray Us," Hatch called…