
Panicked Joy Behar Rages at Manchin, Sinema:‘Enemies of Democracy!'

September 29th, 2021 3:46 PM

The View’s Joy Behar took over a segment that should’ve been criticizing President Biden on Wednesday, to instead attack moderate Democrats. The hosts were talking about the military top brass contradicting Biden’s claim that he had support for complete troop withdrawal from Afghanistan and his poor poll numbers. But not far into it, Behar steered the conversation away to instead…


Joy Reid Whines About Kyrsten Sinema Supporting 'Jim Crow Filibuster'

August 10th, 2021 4:13 PM

MSNBC’s Joy Reid continues to promote the left’s “voting rights” legislation by attacking anyone who opposes the radical policy proposal to federalize all elections. On Monday’s “Absolute Worst” segment of The ReidOut, she smeared Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema as a racist backstabber for defending the “Jim Crow Filibuster.”


Crazy Joy Compares Possible Arrest of Texas Dems to Fugitive Slave Act

July 13th, 2021 11:47 PM

Going into her second day of hero worship toward Texas House Democrats for subverting our democracy, MSNBC’s ReidOut host Joy Reid hilariously claimed on Tuesday that the possibility Texas legislators could be arrested was akin to the Fugitive Slave Act and proposed U.S. Senate Democrats refuse to pass an infrastructure package until Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-…


‘View’ Lefties RAGE at Manchin, McConnell as Divisive Racists

June 11th, 2021 7:18 PM

ABC’s The View went into the weekend on Friday with another day of complaining, griping about how Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is the bane of our democracy’s existence for not caving to Democrats while leading a party that hated clean air and drinking water and Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), who’s apparently a racist because he opposes the For the People Act.


Nets Freak Out Over Manchin’s ‘Blow’ to Dems' HR1 Election Bill

June 7th, 2021 10:08 AM

For all their praise of “bipartisanship,” the media actually hates bipartisanship -- when it’s Democrats siding with Republicans, anyway. The media was in lockstep meltdown mode today, after West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin wrote that he would oppose the massive overhaul of our election system put forward by Democrats called H.R.1 or its euphemistic name, “For the People Act.”


Stooges: WH Reporters Refuse to Ask Psaki About Bombshell Fauci Emails

June 2nd, 2021 4:13 PM

Continuing to show their undying fealty to the altar of Dr. Tony Fauci, the White House press corps refused to ask Press Secretary Jen Psaki a single question during Wednesday’s briefing about the bombshell trove of emails from the NIH official from the early moments of the pandemic. It was on the mind of at least one reporter in the room as our friend Amber Athey of The Spectator had…


Panicky Williams Demands Biden Threaten, ‘Kick Ass’ of Moderate Dems

June 2nd, 2021 4:00 PM

It’s safe to say that Democrats and their fawning, suck up protectors in the media are getting anxious at the lack of accomplishments from the White House. The filibuster still stands. The Supreme Court remains unpacked. D.C. is not a state. Their attempt to take over elections has stalled. After playing a clip of Joe Biden lashing out at moderate Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema,

John Berman S.E. Cupp CNN New Day 6-2-21

CNN's 'Practical Conservative' Cupp Screams At Viewers: Vote Out GOP!

June 2nd, 2021 12:10 PM

CNN serves up the spectacle of what it peddles as "practical conservative" S.E. Cupp literally screaming and pointing her finger at viewers, telling them they must vote against Republicans in midterm elections. Cupp's notion is that federal legislation will not solve what she sees as the voting-rights problem, since those issues are decided at the state level, and that people sitting out the…

NYT Loved McCain’s ObamCare Thumbs-Down, Hated Gesture by Sinema

March 10th, 2021 11:53 AM

Like the late Arizona Senator John McCain (R), Arizona Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema is seen as a centrist “maverick.” Yet Sinema’s recent, dramatic thumbs-down voting gesture on the minimum wage was excoriated by The New York Times, not celebrated the way McCain’s similar thumbs-down “no” vote helped preserve ObamaCare in 2017. The Times painted the…


Nets Try to Spin Conservative WIN Into a Loss With GLARING Omission

January 26th, 2021 12:34 PM

The networks on Tuesday left out a HUGE detail as they covered Mitch McConnell agreeing to a power sharing deal in the Senate with Chuck Schumer. McConnell dropped his demand that Democrats agree to maintain the filibuster. But the Today show and CBS This Morning ignored breaking news from Monday that prompted the Republican’s move: Democratic Senator Krysten Sinema announced she is against…

WashPost Fashion Critic Oozes at Dems, Pelosi, a 'Brazen Bird' in Pink

January 4th, 2019 4:56 PM
Washington Post fashion critic Robin Givhan was brought in after the House swearing-in to write about fashion -- well, not really. As usual, she used fashion as a subtext for her liberal politics. The new ultraliberal women in the House were all fabulous in their diversity of dress, especially Nancy Pelosi in pink, "like the plumage of a brazen bird, not just to fly with the flock but to lead it…
Video Cries 'False' When Sinema's Tagged as Abortion Extremist

November 11th, 2018 11:34 PM keeps attacking conservative website articles as "False" when the facts favor the conservatives. On November 9, these "fact checkers" tagged as "False" for a headline that said "Arizona Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema Voted to Allow Abortions Up to Birth."

NYT Tries to Defuse 'Darkly Accusative' Attacks Against AZ Dem. Sinema

October 21st, 2018 8:44 PM
In Sunday’s New York Times, congressional correspondent Jennifer Steinhauer tried to defuse a potent line of attack by Republican U.S. Senate candidate Martha McSally against her Democratic challenger Kyrsten Sinema in “Charge of Treason Escalates In Close Race for Arizona Senate Seat.” Steinhauer warned "Ms. McSally’s ads and those of her supporters have been relentlessly negative and darkly…

PolitiFact Says 'Mostly False' That 'No War' Sinema Insulted Troops

September 12th, 2018 9:34 PM
It's the fall campaign season, so it's not surprising that PolitiFact is going to start providing the liberal spin to evaluate Republican campaign ads. On Monday, they threw a "Mostly False" rating at Rep. Martha McSally in the U.S. Senate race. Yes, Rep. Kyrsten Sinema wore a pink tutu to "No War" protests, but "we found no evidence of her disparaging troops."