Kate Steinle

Nets Mute on Teens Killed by Illegal Immigrants
April 20th, 2016 9:12 PM
In a week where the networks have reported sympathetically towards illegal immigrants benefiting from President Obama’s immigration policies, they ignored a significant House hearing that revealed the terrible effects of these policies. Two mothers of teenagers murdered by illegal immigrants pleaded with Congress to step up enforcement of immigration policies and protect innocent Americans from…

Not News: Once-Deported Illegal-Immigrant Driver Kills Father, 2 Girls
April 7th, 2016 12:33 AM
In a properly functioning news environment, where genuine journalists recognize important news and report it without first screening its relevance through a PC filter, the deaths of volunteer firefighter Peter Hacking and his two young daughters in a car crash near Wylie, Texas last week would have become a widely covered national story by now. Sadly, virtually the only reason it's known at all…

Ciudades santurario: cobertura mega parcializada
February 18th, 2016 5:56 PM
El estreno de un nuevo noticiero nacional debe ser, bajo circunstancias normales, motivo de celebración para un mercado con hambre y sed de productos más diversos y equilibrados. Sin embargo, cuando tal noticiero estrena con más de la política de identidad de siempre, es motivo de preocupación.

Mega-Tilted 'Pro-Sanctuary City' News
February 17th, 2016 5:48 PM
The launch of a new national Spanish-language newscast should, under normal circumstances, be a cause for celebration for a market that hungers for more diverse and balanced product offerings. But when a brand-new show launches with more of the same identity politics, it is a cause for concern.

Univisión tilda de 'antinmigrante' ley de FL contra ciudades santuario
February 4th, 2016 4:45 PM
Univisión despotrica contra proyecto de ley en la Florida que busca eliminar las llamadas ciudades santuario.

Univision Blasts FL Anti-Sanctuary Cities Bill As 'Anti-Immigrant'
February 4th, 2016 3:57 PM
Univision smears proposed Florida anti-sanctuary efforts as "anti-immigrant".

The AP Lies About Trump and Muslims, and the Media Mob Follows
November 21st, 2015 7:47 PM
Donald Trump saw his remarks about illegal immigration twisted into supposed advocacy for a database of Muslims, and the MSNBC headline came with a major twist: "Trump’s plan for a Muslim database draws comparison to Nazi Germany."
This is shameful. Utterly unprofessional journalism. And utterly typical. And you wonder why the American people have such a low opinion of journalists?

‘Minority Report’ Changes Constitution, Gives Illegal Aliens Amnesty
November 16th, 2015 11:19 PM
Fox’s Minority Report has given us several glimpses into the future in its short run. And pretty much all of them stink. There was the hometown of our two main Pre-Cog characters that was ravaged by global warming, the Redskins changing their names to the Red Clouds, Obama’s face on the $500 dollar bill, and now, as if you didn’t already want to throw yourself out of a window...I now present to…

Bozell & Graham Column: Liberals Losing the Culture Wars?
November 7th, 2015 8:00 AM
The libertine Left has done a lot of boasting over the last several years about the inevitability of History vanquishing every corner of American social conservatism. Election Day 2015 was a terrible day for these revolutionaries, as so often it is when it’s the American people, not liberal elites, making the decisions. Let's assess the damage.

MRCTV's Questions About Amnesty Air on Two Fox News Programs
November 6th, 2015 1:27 PM
The Fox News programs The O'Reilly Factor and Fox & Friends featured video with MRCTV's Dan Joseph on Thursday night and Friday morning. Dan asked voters at Colorado University in Boulder whether they had heard of Kate Steinle or "Kate's Law" named on her behalf. They had not.
On July 1 of this year, Steinle was shot in the aorta and killed by an illegal alien who had been deported five…

MSNBC Guest: Steinle Killing 'Equally Tragic' to Scapegoating Illegals
October 26th, 2015 12:29 AM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's MSNBC Live with Jose Diaz-Balart, San Francisco Board of Supervisors member David Campos defended his city's decision to keep its sanctuary city policy, and, as he began his defense, he absurdly claimed that, although the killing of Kate Steinle by an illegal immigrant was "tragic," that it is "equally tragic" that people like Donald Trump and Bill O'Reilly "…
Nets Skip Senate Dems Blocking Bill Cracking Down on Sanctuary Cities
October 21st, 2015 1:08 AM
The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC punted Tuesday night on news that Senate Democrats successfully blocked legislation aimed at cracking down on sanctuary cities. Doing the job the networks could have been doing, Fox Business Network (FBN) host Lou Dobbs alerted his views on Tuesday to the story that he described as “business as usual” with “Senate Republican leadership permitting…

WashPost Columnist Rips Into Teen Conservative's 'Ugly' Obama 'Rant'
September 21st, 2015 3:59 PM
Washington Post columnist Lonnae O’Neal wrote a column for the front of Monday’s Style section with the headline “A teen’s rant over Obama takes us to an ugly place.” Online, the headline was "Teen’s viral rant takes us deeper into 'The Twilight Zone.'"
Her target was conservative teen YouTube sensation C.J. Pearson, now heading up Teens for Ted (Cruz). His latest video attacked Obama for…
O'Reilly, Ramos Duel on Kate's Law, Ramos' Tilt; 'You're an Advocate'
September 3rd, 2015 7:31 AM
In a heated yet entertaining battle of the minds, the Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly faced off on Wednesday night against Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos for a seven-minute-plus bout over the proposed Kate’s Law, illegal immigration, and Ramos’ decidedly liberal tilt toward advocacy that had O’Reilly telling Ramos that “you’re not a newsman anymore.”