Joss Whedon

Top 5 Vomit-Inducing Defenses From Liberal Monster Whedon’s Defense
Liberal celebrity monster Joss Whedon has finally spoken out. After years of being accused of abuse, harassment and sexual misconduct by scores of women, of racism by Black actor Ray Fisher, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer tried to defend himself in a spectacular debacle in New York magazine.
Whedon Now Accused of Abuse; MSNBC Loved His Attack on GOP 'Monsters'
In the last few days, several female Buffy the Vampire Slayer stars have spoke out, accusing liberal powerhouse director/producer Joss Whedon of harassing, inappropriate, and bullying behavior while on the set of the hit late ‘90s TV show. The latest came from actress Michelle Trachtenberg who was 15 at the time she was on the show and said there was a rule she couldn’t be alone with…

'Buffy' Actress Accuses Joss Whedon of 'Disturbing' Behavior
Someone may have to finally revoke Joss Whedon’s male feminist card. Recent allegations paint an even worse picture of the filmmaker behind Avengers and hit TV show Buffy The Vampire Slayer than ever. And it couldn’t have happened to a worse guy.

Fake Feminist Joss Whedon Tweets GOP is ‘Murderous’ ‘Misogynist’

Pathetic Celebs Spend Independence Day Whining About Trump

‘Your Prayers Don’t Work’; Hollywood Uses Shooting to Push Gun Control

Faux-Feminist Director Whedon Wants Trump to ‘Die, Just Quietly Die’

Put a Stake Through Joss Whedon’s Feminist Street Cred

Rage: Famous Director, Actor Trash ‘Terrorist’ NRA’s New Video

Joss Whedon: ‘Closing Planned Parenthood’ Would Be ‘Act of Evil’

Unhinged Hollywood Liberal Whedon Uses Dead Mother to Bash Trump

Disgusting Joss Whedon Insinuates Paul Ryan Is a Pedophile [UPDATED]

Unhinged Hollywood Director Mocks Easter Message With Poop Joke