NYT's Goodstein Accuses 'Anti-Islam Groups' of 'McCarthyism'

April 7th, 2018 5:35 PM
New York Times religion reporter Laurie Goodstein forwarded “alarming” complaints from former Obama administration staffers and Islamic groups about Mike Pompeo, the current CIA director who is President Trump’s choice to become the new secretary of state, and John Bolton, Trump’s pick for national security advisor: “Alarms Raised On Nominee’s Views on Islam.” Goodstein even dredged up…

HLN Panel Slams Media for Smearing Trump’s Hires as Talking Heads

March 28th, 2018 12:03 AM
In what appeared to be a shot across the bow of their parent network CNN on Tuesday, the panel on HLN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered slammed media outlets who discredited President Trump’s new White House hires because they spent time on cable news. “So is the media smearing the President's pick just to beat up on Trump or are these TV talking heads actually dangerous,” conservative host S.E. Cupp…

Stelter: Bolton News Timed to Distract From Affair Accuser's Interview

March 23rd, 2018 8:01 PM
Thursday, CNN's Brian Stelter theorized, both on the air and in a tweet, that the Trump administration timed its announcement of National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster's departure, and the appointment of former UN ambassador John Bolton as his replacement, to distract from his network's upcoming interview of Karen McDougal, the former Playboy model who claims to have had an affair with Donald…

Nets Fear ‘Controversial’ Bolton, Trump’s ‘Very Hardline’ Advisors

March 23rd, 2018 3:49 PM
Friday’s network morning shows were horrified to report that President Trump had decided to replace General H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser with former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton. Journalists on the NBC, ABC, and CBS broadcasts feared that the “controversial” pick would only add to Trump’s “very hardline” national security team. 

NYT Beans John Bolton With Obsessive 'Hard-Liner' and 'Hawkish' Tags

March 23rd, 2018 11:26 AM
The sudden, if not unexpected, appointment of John Bolton as President Trump’s national security adviser led the New York Times on Friday and the paper packed a year’s worth of predictable “hard-line” and “hawkish” labels in one edition. (The Times has used “hard-line” to describe Soviet Communists and Iranians who support the continuing Islamic death sentence against author Salman Rushdie, so it…

Unglued Matthews Uncorks Hissy Fit on Bolton, Compares Him to Tojo

March 22nd, 2018 10:42 PM
Thursday marked an awful, no-good, very bad day for MSNBC host Chris Matthews as President Trump picked John Bolton to replace H.R. McMaster as National Security Adviser. Less than an hour later, Matthews uncorked a hissy fit for the ages on Hardball lasting the whole show on the man he dubbed a modern Hideki Tojo and “biggest hawk there's ever been.”

CNN Dismisses John Bolton as TV Personality on Fox Hired by Trump

March 22nd, 2018 7:26 PM
In the immediate aftermath of The New York Times and President Donald Trump announcing the removal of H.R. McMaster and hiring of former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton as National Security Adviser, CNN’s The Situation Room maligned Bolton as merely a “Fox News Analyst” and TV personality.

Bolton Slams ‘Foolish’ Chuck Todd: Media 'Not Entitled to Worship'

February 17th, 2017 5:00 PM
Appearing on Fox News’s Outnumbered on Friday, former United Nations ambassador John Bolton blasted NBC’s Chuck Todd for taking to Twitter on Thursday to attack President Trump’s “un-American” criticism of the media during a press conference: “I thought that tweet was one of the most foolish things I've seen from the media in a long time, and you know, that's a pretty low bar there. The media is…

Several News Outlets Misstate Bolton's 'False Flag' Russian Hack Claim

December 12th, 2016 1:22 PM
Sunday afternoon, Eric Shawn of Fox News interviewed former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton. By his reactions to what Bolton said near the interview's beginning, Shawn misunderstood the meaning of "false flag operation," apparently believing that every such effort has to be originated by the government leveling a charge of nefarious behavior against another, in this case the U.S. against…

Nets Ignore Sunday’s Harassment of US Vessels by Iranian ‘Fast Boats’

September 6th, 2016 11:06 PM
Recent news out of the Persian Gulf paints a picture of continually raising tensions between US and Iranian naval vessels as once again US Naval vessels were subject to harassment. “We’ve learned at Fox that Iranian ships have harassed another American vessel in the Persia gulf,” reported the new host of On the Record Brit Hume, as he discussed the scenario with former US Ambassador John Bolton.…

AP's Lee Fails to Cite Kerry's Plea For Less Media Terrorism Coverage

August 31st, 2016 2:06 PM
In Bangladesh on Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry had a concern about media coverage of terrorism he felt he needed to communicate, namely that "the media would do us all a service if they didn’t cover it quite as much." That would be a great thing, apparently, because then "People wouldn’t know what’s going on." You can't make this stuff up. The dateline location at Diplomatic Writer Matt…

The Media Refuse to Thank Harry Truman for Ending WWII

May 28th, 2016 8:29 PM
I am here to write this column because of Harry Truman. My late Dad, a decided Taft-Goldwater- Reagan conservative who died several years ago a few weeks shy of 90, often enough impressed on me that my very existence, not to mention his own, was owed to the man from Missouri who, in August of 1945, was the still-new 33rd President of the United States. He was forever grateful to the Democrat Mr.…

John Bolton on FNC: Obama Has Iran 'On a Highway to Nuclear Weapons'

April 27th, 2016 11:59 PM
On Fox News shortly after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's foreign policy speech today, former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton evaluated what the GOP frontrunner had to say about Iran's efforts to develop nuclear weapons. He also stated the inconvenient truth about the Obama administration's nuclear "deal" with Iran, namely that it puts the jihad-driven, terrorist-funding,…

Fox News Alone Covers Hillary's High-Level Private-Server Libya Emails

June 18th, 2015 3:24 PM
2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, as seen in this March 10 Associated Press report, has claimed for several months that "No Classified Material (was) Sent via Her Personal Emails" from a home-based server she said "would remain private." That claim, like so many other representations Mrs. Clinton has made, fell apart earlier this week, when, as Fox News reported, it was…