
CIVIL? PBS Cues Ex-Republican to Slam 'Far Right, Gun-Loving Kook'

June 2nd, 2024 6:10 AM

Taxpayer-funded PBS is just like CNN or MSNBC as it paints the Republicans as falling off a "far-right" cliff, while the Democrats have no "far left" extreme. The PBS NewsHour brought on disgruntled ex-Republican Joe Walsh to slam one primary challenger in Texas as a "far-right, gun-loving kook." So much for civility on PBS.


CNN’s Coates: Supreme Court Justices Lack Legitimacy

May 30th, 2024 5:42 PM

On Thursday, CNN’s Laura Coates mocked Supreme Court justices by declaring, “at the end of the day, if I hold my breath long enough and bite my tongue long enough, you'll call me justice.” Meanwhile, former Obama White House senior director Nayyera Haq and GOP Rep. Joe Walsh made it evident that they believe the Supreme Court could use some upgrades.


Media Loved Interviewing Trump's 2020 Rivals, But Not Biden's in 2024

March 21st, 2024 12:00 PM

In 2020 and 2024 respectively, GOP President Donald Trump and Democratic President Joe Biden each faced three longshot primary challengers, but the media coverage of these campaigns was vastly different, a NewsBusters study has found.

PBS's Balanced Trump Indictment Talk? GOP: ‘Traitor…Belongs in Jail'

August 7th, 2023 10:44 AM

Amanpour & Co’s idea of a balanced segment on the news of Donald Trump’s third indictment for “conspiring to defraud” the United States for contesting his loss in 2020? Hosting a sitting liberal Democrat, Rep. Joe Neguse, and the ex-Republican (in all senses) Rep. Joe Walsh, who ran against Trump in the 2020 primary and remains fiercely opposed. Amanpour’s Tuesday evening…

Brianna Keilar Joe Walsh CNN New Day 6-21-22

On CNN: Republicans Want Political Opponents 'Destroyed or Killed'

June 21st, 2022 1:11 PM

On CNN's New Day, ex-Republican turned Biden voter Joe Walsh says that most Republican voters "want their political opponents destroyed or killed."

CNN Trolls Audience With Faux Gun Control ‘Debate’

May 31st, 2022 4:43 PM

With a few notable exceptions, most of the liberal media’s coverage of the debate around gun control has been an echo chamber of misinformed, underinformed, or just plain uninformed gun control activists, leaving little room for real debate. Perhaps this slant in coverage was why CNN thought they could somehow frame a friendly discussion between washed-up 2020 presidential candidate/liberal…


Joe Walsh: GOP Voters 'Want a Dictator' Who Won't Teach The Holocaust

January 27th, 2022 10:16 PM

On Thursday's CNN Newsroom, Trumper-turned-Never Trumper Joe Walsh took the opportunity to portray himself as one of the good Republicans who is not like the other Republicans who allegedly want a dictator who will prohibit American children from learning about the Holocaust. Thursday was also International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

John Berman Brianna Keilar Joe Walsh CNN New Day 7-8-21

CNN's Berman To Dems: Beware Wrestling the GOP 'Pig' on 1/6 Hearings!

July 8th, 2021 1:45 PM

CNN's New Day devoted its opening segment today to worrying that Republicans will attempt to politicize 1/6 hearings and turn them into a spectacle. Co-host John Berman  said "the thing is when you wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty and the pig likes it. The Republicans, as you say, they want this to be dirty." 


CNN Puts On 'Conservative' Joe Walsh: I'd Back a Socialist Over Trump

February 7th, 2020 12:37 PM
CNN’s New Day brought on ex-Congressman Joe Walsh on Friday to announce he’s dropping his bid for the Republican nomination after pulling one percent of the vote in the Iowa caucuses this week. Host John Berman described Walsh as a “Tea Party Republican” even as Walsh said he’d vote for a socialist over the alleged “dictator” Donald Trump. This makes sense, since Walsh's dire talk of "dictator"…

MSNBC Panel Refuses to Denounce Weld Insisting Trump Be Executed

September 23rd, 2019 1:50 PM

MSNBC’s Morning Joe stooped to a new low on Monday morning when the assembled panel refused to condemn 2020 Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld’s insistence that President Donald Trump should be put to death because, in his mind, he’s committed treason for his conversations with the Ukrainian president. Not only that, but Weld twice made this case while panelists Mike Barnicle, Mika…


Excited Nets Push GOP Primary Challengers Against Trump

August 26th, 2019 11:52 AM
On Monday, all three network morning shows were giddy over two weak challengers against President Trump in the 2020 Republican primary and even hoping for more quixotic candidates to enter the race. NBC and ABC touted ex-Congressman Joe Walsh issuing a “stinging rebuke” to Trump while CBS again urged contributor and former Senator Jeff Flake to jump in the contest.

Tool to ‘Wound’: ABC Gives Platform to Trump Primary Challenger Walsh

August 25th, 2019 11:42 AM
Of course, Stephanopoulos humored him by letting the former Congressman bash the President and pushed back weakly on Walsh’s history of incredibly racist statements. Yet, during the so-called “powerhouse roundtable”, they admitted that Walsh didn’t have a chance at beating Trump; and Stephanopoulos found the important “question” was whether or not Walsh could “wound” the President’s chances.

‘Hardball’: Israel Ban Is ‘Autocratic,’ Racist, ‘Un-American,’ ‘Weak’

August 16th, 2019 3:11 PM
Thursday’s Hardball joined the latest liberal media attempt to defend the anti-Semitism of Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) amidst the decision to bar the two from Israel. In the show’s A-block, MSNBC host Chris Matthews and his crew of minions asserted that the decision by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump was not only “autocratic,” but “racial… Springs to Swalwell's Defense on Gaffetastic 'Nukes' Tweet

November 24th, 2018 1:58 PM
Young liberal congressman Eric Swalwell of California is an cable TV regular and has been hailed for his social-media prowess. He's even touted by some as 2020 presidential timber. That image took a hit on November 16, when Swalwell responded to gun-rights activists on Twitter saying you will never take my guns with "It will be a short war, my friend. The government has nukes. Too many of them,…