Jay Inslee

IT'S JULY! ABC's Raddatz Howls Over Climate Change, Blames Humans
ABC is so invested in the narrative that man-made climate change is real and an existential threat to the planet that they dedicated the entire A-block of their Sunday news roundtable talk show This Week to the myth that the planet is under threat from a July heatwave. Co-moderator Martha Raddatz kept her now dust-covered journalist hat on the shelf and continued wearing her left-wing…

Washington State Bill Causes Free Speech Concerns With Threats of Jail
An updated bill in Washington state has some worried that candidates could be jailed for political speech. According to The Seattle Times, the bill specifically limited the speech of candidates for public office to make it a crime to “knowingly, recklessly or maliciously” lie about election results when the lies led to violence. A gross misdemeanor charge in Washington comes with a…

Huh? NYT Hails Seattle Protest as 'Homeland for Racial Justice'
The "Homeland for Racial Justice." Sound like a neutral journalistic description? It's not, but that's how The New York Times described an area in Seattle taken over by protesters. Instead of battling for control of the entire city, law enforcement officials allowed demonstrators to establish a “police-free” autonomous zone, a move praised by a reporter for the …

Cuomo: Trump's Goal Is Not to Save Lives, But to Cheapen Value of Life

Amanpour Sees 'Undercover Assault' on 'Clean Air' by Trump

Ignore $9 Trillion Cost, MSNBC Says Climate Change Not ‘Partisan'

Jon Meacham Anoints Al Gore a 'Prophetic Voice' on Environment

MSNBC's Wallace: Taking Trump Live Like 'Fire Hosing Our Viewers'

Trump Wins MSNBC’s Debate Analysis: 71 Mentions in Under 2 Hours

Debate Prep? NBC’s ‘Big Idea’ Series Was Friendly Softball Sessions

NBC’s ‘Meet The Press’: a Safe Space for 2020 Dems

NBC Hails Inslee’s ‘Big Idea’ to ‘Defeat the Climate Crisis’

Chuck Todd Battles Kellyanne Conway, Then Coddles Jay Inslee