Jan Brewer

Free Beacon Highlights Double Standard Between Brewer, Pelosi Photos
October 18th, 2019 3:13 PM
The Washington Free Beacon’s Andrew Kugle released Friday morning the site’s latest indispensable SUPERcut. This time, the topic centered around the not surprising but nonetheless horribly biased double standard between when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wagged a finger toward President Donald Trump versus when then-Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) did so to Barack Obama in January 2012.

Damning AZ GOP Gov. Ducey With Faint Praise on Illegal Immigration
February 10th, 2016 12:54 PM
New York Times Phoenix bureau chief Fernanda Santos gave out surprising praise to Republican Gov. Doug Ducey in Wednesday’s edition -- though it’s less surprising when you realize why. Like her newspaper, Santos has a history of trying to discredit Republicans on illegal immigration. In August 2014, Santos suggested Arizona citizens who showed up to a forum to express concerns about border…

MSNBC's Melber: Tea Partiers Want to 'Make Sure More People Are Uninsu
April 24th, 2014 1:03 AM
On the Wednesday, April 23, The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC, guest host Ari Melber ignored concerns expressed for some time by conservatives that ObamaCare regulations would cause Americans to lose private health insurance plans they already had as the MSNBC host suggested that Tea Party Republicans do not care about people being uninsured and claimed that the goal of repealing…

ABC’s ‘This Week’ Plugs How ‘Major American Companies Came Out
March 2nd, 2014 12:25 PM
Governor Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) just vetoed SB 1062, and ABC’s This Week hyped the “spirited nationwide debate” that surrounded the governor’s decision. The bill would have allowed private businesses to deny service to certain individuals, such as baking a wedding cake for a gay wedding, on religious grounds.
Despite the cases across the nation where private businesses have been sued over the…

NY Times' Santos Alarmed Arizona GOP Pushing Bill to Inspect Abortion
February 28th, 2014 6:01 PM
There those damn conservatives go again, trying to pass a bill to regulate abortion clinics and maybe save unborn lives in the process. Don't they know that sensible, moderate Republicans like Arizona governor Jan Brewer have had it with their shenanigans and want to get on to business that is less, well, controversial?
That, essentially, is the gripe of Fernanda Santos's page A16 story in…

Media Coverage of 'Anti-Gay' Arizona Bill Slammed as 'Deceitful,' 'Dis
February 27th, 2014 9:11 PM
Soon after Arizona governor Jan Brewer vetoed S.B. 1062 -- a Religious Freedom Restoration Act that would have given business people the right to cite religious beliefs when refusing service to homosexuals -- gays and liberals began cheering and celebrating the decision, which received extensive coverage in the three network morning shows.
However, many people who disagreed with the veto…
WSJ's Coverage of SB 1062 Veto Is Objective; WaPo, NYTimes Slant Story
February 27th, 2014 7:45 PM
Of the nation's three most respected papers of record -- the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal -- only the latter portrayed accurately the religious freedom legislation -- click here for a .pdf of the bill, SB 1062 -- which Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) vetoed Wednesday evening.
Both reporter Tamara Audi and her editors treated Journal readers to a fairly balanced…

Andrea Mitchell on Arizona Bill: 'States Cannot Take These Kinds of Ac
February 27th, 2014 3:42 PM
Talking to Democratic Senator Patty Murray during her noontime MSNBC show on Thursday, host Andrea Mitchell gloated over Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoing a proposed religious freedom law in the state: "Clearly she was responding to some heavy pressure, economic interests, national economic interests, major corporations, the Super Bowl, Major League Baseball. States cannot take these kinds of…

Networks Tout 'Cheering Protesters' Celebrating Veto of 'Anti-Gay' Ari
February 27th, 2014 11:39 AM
After spending days denouncing a religious freedom bill in Arizona as "anti-gay," all three network morning shows on Thursday hailed protester celebrations following Governor Jan Brewer vetoing the proposed legislation. Fill-in co-host Lara Spencer led off ABC's Good Morning America by excitedly announcing: "Vetoed! Protesters cheering the Arizona governor's decision to strike the controversial…

Andrea Mitchell to John Kerry: Does Ariz. Bill ‘Undercut Our Moral P
February 26th, 2014 2:52 PM
NBC’s Andrea Mitchell obtained an exclusive interview with Secretary of State John Kerry that aired live during her MSNBC program Andrea Mitchell Reports on Wednesday February 26 and used the opportunity to ask Kerry about Arizona’s religious freedom vs. gay rights debate surround SB 1062.
Mitchell decided to inject MSNBC’s liberal talking points on the proposed law law and whether or not…
Networks Turn Up the Heat on Arizona: When Will Governor 'Finally Kill
February 26th, 2014 2:45 PM
On Tuesday, all three network morning shows touted "pressure mounting from all sides" for Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to veto an "anti-gay" bill designed to protect religious freedom. On NBC's Today, correspondent Mike Taibbi declared: "Governor Brewer actually has until the end of the week to make her decision. But the pressure has been mounting to finally kill the bill that at the very least…

Chuck Todd: Arizona Is ‘Just The Last To Accept Social Change
February 26th, 2014 10:24 AM
Chuck Todd, NBC News' Chief White House Correspondent, decided to take off his journalist hat to play partisan politics during his appearance on Morning Joe on Wednesday February 26 to comment on in the words of co-host Mika Brzezinski Arizona’s “controversial religious bill.”
During the segment, the entire panel disregarded the religious freedom argument associated with SB 1062 and instead…
AP Reporter Slams ‘Seething’ Arizona Republicans for Trying to Kee
October 4th, 2013 4:52 PM
In a piece filed today, Associated Press reporter Bob Christie and his editors provided a textbook example of how to use loaded language to tilt coverage while still being entirely accurate with the facts.
Covering a controversy in Arizona over the federal government’s closure of the Grand Canyon National Park and the state government’s attempts to keep it open, Christie painted the conflict as…
MSNBC Panel Gripes Over 'Disrespectful' Brewer Finger-Wag
August 6th, 2013 3:27 PM
MSNBC host Alex Wagner rehashed an old and much-overblown feud between President Obama and Gov. Jan Brewer (R-Ariz.) on Thursday’s Now, hyping Obama and Brewer’s first tarmac meeting since the Arizona governor allegedly wagged her finger at the president in early 2012. Wagner blasted Brewer for not giving President Obama “the respect that should be given the commander in chief,” asking her…