James Cameron

Eco-Terrorist ‘Pipeline’ Bombs at Box Office
April 29th, 2023 1:30 PM
James Cameron caught little heat for a shocking admission. He hearts eco-terrorism.

‘Wake The F--k Up’: Eco Nut James Cameron Freaks About Climate Change
September 10th, 2019 5:15 PM
More wealthy celebrities are coming out of the woodwork to tell you that your life, particularly your eating habits, aren’t working for Mother Earth. When he’s not busy helming those Avatar sequels you didn’t ask for (but you’re still gonna love, dammit) director James Cameron and his health food-obsessed wife are demanding that you “wake the fuck up” for the sake of climate change.

New James Cameron Film Bashes Trump, Pushes Climate Agenda at DNC
July 28th, 2016 4:00 PM
The Democratic National Convention would not be complete without a group of liberal Hollywood celebrities anxiously warning that humans are threatening the planet. Avatar director and eco-hypocrite James Cameron premiered his short environmental film, Not Reality TV, at the convention. In addition to blaming floods, droughts, fires, and other natural disasters on human-induced global warming, the…

Schwarzenegger, Cameron Join Environmentalist Attack on Meat
June 29th, 2016 1:50 PM
The environmental group WildAid claims livestock is a main cause of greenhouse gas emissions so it is targeting China, calling on people to reduce their carbon footprints by rejecting meat. They’ve recruited some star power to push their liberal agenda. But those stars are wealthy, elite eco-hypocrites.
Cameron: Climate ‘Denialists’ Won’t Face Globe’s ‘Biggest Crisis'
September 16th, 2015 11:02 AM
Filmmaker and liberal activist James Cameron appeared on MSNBC, Tuesday, to “bemoan” the climate “denialists” on “the right” who won’t face up to the “biggest crisis” for Earth. Talking to Chris Hayes, the director lamented, “I felt hopeless for a long time watching a government that's paralyzed by denialism on the right, about what I think of as the biggest crisis that our society and our global…

Climate Hypocrites and the Media That Love Them
May 5th, 2015 9:45 AM
Journalists help promote Hollywood celebrities while condemning average Americans for causing climate change. The same media go out of their way to ignore or excuse the hypocrisy of celebrity “environmentalists” who fly their private jets around the world, rent mega-yachts and live in massive mansions.
Avatar Director James Cameron warned of a future “world that’s in shambles” because of climate…
Years of Living Hypocritically: Five Alarmist Celebs and Their Double
April 22nd, 2014 10:06 AM
They may be good at making movies, but Hollywood celebrities’ lifestyles are far from an environmentalist’s dream. Their globetrotting, multiple mansion owning ways are inconsistent with the environmental agenda they loudly promote.
Showtime’s new climate change series, “Years of Living Dangerously,” premiered April 13, 2014, slightly more than a week before Earth Day 2014. It relies on…

Showtime’s New Climate Documentary Barely Looks at Science
April 10th, 2014 12:34 PM
Masquerading as a scientific documentary, Showtime’s new climate change series is actually just more alarmist propaganda.
The first episode of “Years of Living Dangerously,” actually gave precious little time to discussing scientific data of climate. Ninety-five percent of the show wasn’t about actual climate science (a mere 3 minutes 5 seconds of the 57 minute 10 second program discussed…

New Climate Alarmist Tack: Go Green for God
April 7th, 2014 3:43 PM
There’s a certain delicious irony in the global warming industry – the one that’s always screaming about climate change “deniers” not “believing in science” – trying to make a religious appeal to Christians.
The Huffington Post on April 5 published “Climate Change Threats To ‘The Least of These’ Compel Evangelical Christians to Act,” in which writer Lynne Peeples interviewed Katharine Hayhoe…
James Cameron Getting 25% Tax Rebate to Film Avatar Sequels in New Zea
December 16th, 2013 11:00 AM
Liberal filmmaker James Cameron is estimated to be worth $700 million.
Despite this fortune, it was announced Monday that he will be producing the next three installments of his successful "Avatar" movie in New Zealand.
It was also announced Monday that New Zealand is changing its tax incentive structure for films made in the country making Cameron eligible for 25 percent in rebates.

James Cameron Gets Matt Damon, Harrison Ford and Arnold Schwarzenegger
October 31st, 2013 7:15 PM
Showtime announced last year that it had commissioned Oscar-winning filmmaker James Cameron to produce an eight-part series for the network designed to scare the public into thinking the world is doomed as a result of global warming.
Coincidentally on Halloween, the cable network released a trailer for the April 2014 series entitled Years of Living Dangerously and credits that identify key…
Emails Refute James Cameron's Reason for Cancelling Global Warming Deb
August 25th, 2010 12:42 AM
E-mail messages obtained by NewsBusters refute claims that multi-millionaire filmmaker James Cameron cancelled a debate with prominent global warming skeptics because they weren't as famous as he is.As NewsBusters reported Monday, a debate had been scheduled and placed on the program for last weekend's AREDay summit in Aspen, Colorado, featuring internet publisher Andrew Breitbart, Sen. James…
Filmmaker James Cameron Backs Out of Global Warming Debate HE Organize
August 23rd, 2010 5:07 PM
Multi-millionaire filmmaker James Cameron on Sunday backed out of a global warming debate that he asked for and organized. For those that haven't been following the recent goings on concerning Nobel Laureate Al Gore's favorite money-making myth, an environmental summit was held this weekend in Aspen, Colorado, called AREDAY, which is short for American Renewable Energy Day.Ahead of this…
FNC's Craig Rivera: Is Oil Spill Our 'Avatar
May 10th, 2010 6:38 PM
Fox News Channel's Craig Rivera, on Sunday's Geraldo At Large, in a shipboard interview from the Gulf of Mexico, actually asked a conservationist if the oil spill there was a real world equivalent of the fictional disaster seen in the recent James Cameron blockbuster as he pressed: "Do you see what's happening in the oil industry and offshore drilling comparable or some kind of parallel to, like…