Huma Abedin

Nets Fret Over Weiner Sexting Going From ‘Personal’ to Political
August 30th, 2016 1:00 PM
All three networks on Tuesday fretted over the sordid details of Anthony Weiner’s sexting scandal, worrying that the “personal” is now becoming political. A CBS This Morning analyst dismissed Donald Trump’s contention that the wife of the unrestrained Weiner may be a security risk.

Mitchell Awkwardly Notes Clinton Sex Scandals During Weiner Story
August 30th, 2016 11:37 AM
Discussing the latest sexting scandal for Anthony Weiner on Tuesday’s NBC Today, correspondent Andrea Mitchell commented on top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin separating from the disgraced ex-congressman: “...despite their long-troubled marriage and that friends say that this was coming for a long time....they were trying to continue with this facade of a worked for them for now…

Flashback: Media Loved ‘Whole Foods’ Weiner Marriage; 'New Feminism'
August 29th, 2016 3:48 PM
As most of the internet knows by now, top Hillary Clinton confidante and lifeline Huma Abedin announced her separation from soon-to-be-ex-husband and former New York Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner following new allegations that Weiner (aka Carlos Danger) is still sexting women despite being caught multiple times and led to his resignation from Congress (thanks to the late Andrew Breitbart…

NBC Censors Clinton Foundation Donor Seeking Favor from State Dept.
August 29th, 2016 12:28 PM
On Monday morning, NBC News and Today kept their viewers in the dark on new details from e-mails of Clinton aides that showed the head of the Rockefeller Foundation sought preferential seating at a luncheon held by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department after the organization had given between $10 and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation.

The Fated Weiner Wedding: A Photo the Media Won’t Reveal
August 29th, 2016 11:46 AM
It would appear that Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin’s wedding was doomed from the outset. After all, the much-hyped political union – sullied by a sexting scandal – was officiated by champion philanderer Bill Clinton.

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell Plays Defense for Clinton Foundation
August 24th, 2016 2:56 AM
After an Associated Press report that exposed how numerous Clinton Foundation donors were able to set up meetings with Hillary Clinton while Secretary of State, NBC correspondent and resident Clinton fangirl, Andrea Mitchell rushed to defend her on NBC Nightly News Tuesday. Mitchell seemed to be annoyed by the persistent scandal, calling it, “A headache for the Clinton campaign that could last…

CBS Omits Details of Clinton's Pay-For-Play from E-Mail Report
August 23rd, 2016 2:11 AM
With the fresh batch of newly released e-mails regarding the Clinton Foundation, thanks to a Judicial Watch lawsuit, came new revelations of strong connections with the Hillary Clinton State Department. The e-mails added more fuel to the accusations that foundation donors “payed-to-play.” Donors such as S. Daniel Abraham, the man behind Slim Fast, and the Crown Prince of Bahrain got special…

Networks Silent on Clinton Aide’s Ties to Radical Muslim Journal
August 22nd, 2016 11:04 PM
A major report broke in the New York Post on Sunday that laid out top Hillary Clinton Aide Huma Abedin’s past where she worked for a radical Muslim journal. “For a decade [Abedin] edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women’s rights and blamed the US for 9/11,” wrote the Post’s Paul Sperry. But you would never know it if you watched the “Big Three” networks ABC, CBS, and NBC on Monday…

CBS, NBC Silent on Huma’s Sworn Deposition to Judicial Watch
June 30th, 2016 1:20 AM
On Wednesday one of Hillary Clinton’s top aides, Huma Abedin, testified in a sworn deposition to Judicial Watch about Clinton’s use of a private E-Mail and server, as a part of an ongoing lawsuit. That evening, two of the “big three” networks were silent about the testimony and the latest batch of E-Mails. On Special Report, Fox News’ Bret Baier read some of them, “Hillary to Huma, “Let’s get…

NYT: Anthony Weiner Is ‘Almost Shakespearean’ Thanks to Documentary
May 16th, 2016 1:02 PM
Touting a soon-to-be-released documentary about scandal-ridden New York Democrat Anthony Weiner, Michael M. Grynbaum parroted in Sunday’s New York Times claims from filmmaker Elyse Steinberg that the life of their subject has been “almost Shakespearean” with his rise and fall due to his well-documented urges to trade sexually explicit text messages with women that aren’t his wife.

'The Good Wife' Touts Huma Abedin as 'New Feminism'
April 25th, 2016 1:24 AM
Alicia (Juliana Margulies) throws a party for Peter’s mother and her fiancé in “Party,” CBS’s The Good Wife’s latest episode. From the wrong flowers arriving – funeral arrangements instead of the ones she ordered – to a cake personalized with “Rest in Peace,” Alicia can’t catch a break. Even the joyous return of son Zach turns bad.

NBC Touts Softball Abedin Interview, Ignores Upcoming FBI Sit-Down
April 4th, 2016 11:33 AM
While NBC ignored the news that top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin would soon be taking questions from the FBI about the Democratic frontrunner’s e-mail scandal, Monday’s NBC Today instead chose to gush over the longtime Clinton confidante answering softballs on a liberal podcast.

Misbehaving Trump Aide Gets 8 Times More Airtime than Huma's Scandal
March 30th, 2016 4:10 PM
In just the last three weeks, ABC, CBS and NBC’s evening newscasts have generated nearly 16 minutes of coverage looking at charges of misconduct against Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. That’s more than eight times the coverage than they’ve given over the past eight months to serious questions surrounding top Clinton aide Huma Abedin for her role in a variety of Clinton scandals…

Bring Back the Jokes: 'Weiner' Documentary to Be Released
January 19th, 2016 12:14 PM
Just when you thought all those Weiner jokes of a few years ago had finally petered out... They're coming back!!! Comedians around the country will be overjoyed to know that there will be new life in the Weiner jokes that practically write themselves with the upcoming release of Weiner the documentary.
Although most of us will relish the thought of yet more Weiner laughs, there are some who will…